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Diversity Learning Lesson Page

Last Updated: February 23, 2009 Related resource areas: Diversity Across Higher Education

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Online Cultural Walk

Self-awareness is the first step to recognizing other cultures. To understand how others differ, it is important to first understand your own cultural values and history. How do you identify yourself racially, culturally and ethnically? Where did your ancestors originate? What was your economic class growing up and what is it now? Do you have any other cultural variables? This self-examination may also help you become aware of personal biases that may affect relationships.

To assist you in your self-examination, please participate in the Online Cultural Walk.

Online Cultural Walk

Diversity Across Higher Education Learning Modules
Learning Lessons Published and in Development
There are three categories of learning modules that you can share in our eXtension site. Some of the types require a lot of development work that can be coordinated with eXtension staff. Others would require minimal weeks to get them onto the site to share and teach. Before a learning module is posted to the eXtension site, it will need to be peer-reviewed via the process established for adding content in each of the six content areas. Self-contained (flash modules) A self-contained learning module would be a self-learning module that can be placed on the eXtension site for people to explore and learn diversity topics. These modules are usually stand-alone and do not require instructor involvement past the development stage. An example of this type of module that is now available on the eXtension site is the “Online Cultural Walk” developed by the University of Wisconsin. Online courses/curriculum (via Moodle course management system) Have you developed a course or collection of lessons for diversity issues? If so, we can modify it to be delivered online. The Moodle course management system is a collection of online tools (content delivery, discussion boards, quizzing, etc.) in which you can create either instructor-led or self-contained lessons. Materials to be used by groups (probably face-to-face) (PowerPoints, activities) Have you developed face-to-face activities to help your classes learn about diversity topics? If so, you can share them via the eXtension Diversity site. To do this, you will need to create instructor packets that include any original PowerPoint presentations, electronic copies of handouts and detailed instructions on how to use this packet, either separately or embedded in the PowerPoint presentation as notes on with each slide. Currently, we have one packet in development called, “A Place at the Table,” by Jim Jordan from Ohio.

To explore the possibilities or to address questions and concerns about Learning Lessons, contact:

Molly Immendorf

Instructional Technology Specialist

University of Wisconsin – Extension

Cooperative Extension Technology Services

[1]molly immendorf

(608) 263-3843

Learning Lessons Published and in Development

  • Module 1 Building Cultural Competencies
  • Module 2 Assessing Strenghts of Your Community
  • Module 3 Facilitating Workforce Development
  • Module 4 Culivating Community Leadership
  • Module 5 Understanding Legal Issues Reievant to New Populations
  • Module 6 Exploring Cultural Perpectives of Families
  • Module 7 Discovering Global Trade
  • Module 8 Planning Your international Experience

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