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News: GBIF Task Group on Content Needs Assessment

Biodiversity Data are usually generated for a specific purpose, but are often used for multiple purposes. Some of the routine feedback from the users ranges from lack of sufficient data (volume, depth, and density), lack of fitness-for-use (precision, accuracy and authenticity), to lack of mechanism for data discovery, and access to data itself etc. The proposed ‘Content Needs Assessment’ exercise is an attempt to address these issues in an holistic manner.
Released on: 09 December 2008
Contributor: Not applicable
News item language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Source of information:
Concerned URL:


The Task group will assess the needs for biodiversity data for multi-varied analysis, identify the gaps in biodiversity data presently accessible though GBIF, and make recommendations on data mobilisation strategies to bridge the gap between data needs and data access.

Terms of Reference (ToR):

The Task group will address, and provide answers to the following questions:

  • What are the priority questions that GBIF mobilised data should be able to address for different areas of science and policy in the near, medium and long-terms at global, regional, national or thematic levels.
  • Evaluate for the varied priority questions identified the content needs (volume, depth, and density) and data fitness (precision, accuracy, authenticity) for specific uses.
  • Design a survey to determine the demography of use of biodiversity data, and to understand the content needs of varied uses (thematic, regional /national, problem specific, etc.); assess what the unique scientific and policy contributions of GBIF data are that cannot readily be met through other mechanisms;
  • Distribute, analyse, synthesise, and interpret the survey results;
  • Identify gaps in Data Needs and Accessible biodiversity data (GBIF and non-GBIF data)
  • Recommend strategies and priorities for GBIF biodiversity data mobilisation (what should GBIF focus on in the short, medium and long terms?);
  • Provide recommendations and a report to the GBIF Secretariat/Executive Secretary on or before August 2009.

Timeline of Activities:



January 2009

Establishment of Task Group

February – March 2009

Investigate use cases, content needs and data fitness for specific uses

March - April 2009

Design user survey parameters, and launch survey-monkey survey

May 2009

Analysis, synthesis and interpretation of survey contributions

May/June 2009

Face-to-face meeting to finalise recommendations and report

August 2009

Final Report

Task Group: Characteristics, Timeline and modus operandi

The Task Group should start functioning from late January 2009 and should remain active until the final report is submitted by August 2009. The Task Group will convene most of its business remotely through mailing-list, wiki, skype and conference calls. Regular physical meetings are not planned but at least one is foreseen in order to synthesise the survey results and to formulate the final report.

The Task Group will be coordinated by and report through the DIGIT Programme Officer at the GBIF Secretariat.

Task Group: Composition

The Task Group should consist of not more than 6 experts in the field of biodiversity data use; design, analysis, synthesis, and interpret of survey results; identification of gaps in data needs and accessible data; statistical expertise would be an advantage. Given the nature of the exercise, representation of the different biodiversity thematic domains e.g. agriculture, forestry, marine, conservation etc needs to be ensured. Considering the global scale of this exercise an attempt will also be made to maintain regional balance.

Call for nominations

This call is to seek nominations from the Heads of Delegations (HoD) for membership in a "GBIF Task Group on Content Needs Assessment".

Please recommend individuals with senior-level expertise that would contribute towards the stated objectives of the Task Group. Members of the Task Group will be required to devote considerable time for frequent discussions, conference calls, and timely inputs towards various activities of this exercise. No remuneration for time spent is envisaged; however logistical/travel costs of meeting/s will be covered.

Please send your recommendations by January 9, 2009 to Vishwas Chavan, GBIF Senior Programme Officer for DIGIT (vchavan@gbif.org), together with CV of the nominee indicating that they have accepted the nomination and ToRs.

Please note that this article expired on 2009/01/09

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