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Database Search Tips
Browse through these common questions, and if you're still having trouble, contact us! We're here to help!

Why am I not getting any results on my search topic?

The following tips may help improve your Educational and Training Materials Database search results:

  • Use only one search term or phrase when using the Full Text search. This search option does not support Boolean searches (i.e., a search for 'menu AND planning' will produce zero results, but a search for 'menu planning' will produce over 160!)
  • Simplify and check your spelling. Searching for 'manage' will find 'manager', 'management', 'managerial', etc.

Why don't all the fields show up for each material? Some materials may have empty fields. This may occur because the field is not applicable to the particular material, or because our team is still in the process of conducting a complete review of the material.

How can I get copies of the materials in the Education and Training Materials Database? The database contains citations to materials. The Healthy Meals Resource System at the National Agricultural Library does not sell or distribute these materials. Please use the information listed with the material to contact the producer of the material if you wish to purchase it.

Materials with a 'NAL Call Number' may be borrowed from the National Agricultural Library (NAL) by personnel supporting Child Nutrition Programs, including the National School Lunch Program and the Child and Adult Care Food Program. For more information on lending procedures at the NAL, please see the NAL Web site.

Are there any completed subject-specific searches I can review?
Check out the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) Resource Lists. These publications provide a compilation of resources in specific subject areas. The Resource Lists under the headings of Food and Nutrition Education and Food Service may be most applicable to the Healthy Meals audience.

Last Modified: Jun 19, 2008  
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