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Fire Safety Engineering


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Fire Research for Safe & Durable Wood Structures at the Forest Products Laboratory NEW!


Robert H. White, Project Leader


Problem -- Data and models required for fire safety engineering of forest products in a performance-based building code environment are needed. The trend towards performance-based codes creates a new demand for improved material properties and computer fire models. This demand is difficult to achieve for wood-based materials because of their complex physical processes for pyrolysis and combustion during a fire scenario. Our research approach is to (a) obtain property and validation data and (b) simulate full-scale fire scenarios with computer fire models. Primary emphasis is the growth of a fire from ignition to flashover.

Problem -- Fire safety of engineered wood products in structural applications needs to be documented and optimized. Engineered wood products include sandwich panels, metal-plate-connected (MPC) wood trusses, I-joists, laminated veneer lumber and other composite lumber products. Our overall approach is to (a) obtain data on the components of the engineered wood products, (b) develop models to better understand their fire performance and (c) develop recommendations on how to optimize their fire performance. Past efforts have involved sandwich panels, MPC trusses, and composite lumber products.

Problem -- Survivability of wood structures in the wildland-urban interface needs to be improved. Our goal is to reduce the fire hazards in the wildland-urban interface (WUI) by improving the quality and flexibility of fire safety recommendations for wood structures. Such recommendations are part of the National Fire Plan community assistance programs. Our efforts to develop improved recommendations will include: 1) databases of material properties, 2) investigations of potential fire scenarios, 3) identification of design changes to reduce hazards, and 4) improved options for both temporary and long-term fire retardant treatments. In cooperation with other Forest Service research work units, we will continue our efforts to use the cone calorimeter to evaluate the relative flammability of different plant species.

Related FPL Activities

In addition to the research program of RWU 4723, other research activities on fungi, biodeterioration, biochemical technology, timber bridges, adhesives, composites, surface coatings, wood modifications, and engineering properties of treated wood are being conducted by FPL staff in other FPL Research Work Units. Such research activities include cooperative research projects with RWU 4723 staff.


Much of our research is done in cooperation with others. Cooperators include universities, other parts of the Forest Service, other federal agencies, international research institutes and universities, and the wood industry.


Fire testing facilities are located in Building 04 - Fire Research. Plans are to build a 28-ft by 40-ft addition to the building. Once the planned addition is completed, our 1.2 by 1.8 m horizontal fire endurance furnace/tension apparatus and the 510 x 510 mm small vertical fire penetration furnace will be located in the new addition. The re-location of the horizontal furnace will improve safety, flexibility, and efficiency of our fire testing. As is now the case, the current west wing includes the Cone calorimeter (ASTM 1354), the Full-scale room/corner test (ISO 9705), and the non-standard fire endurance wall furnace. Once the addition is completed, the current east wing will be re-modeled. The Lateral Ignition Flame-travel Test apparatus (LIFT) (ASTM E1317/E1321) will remain in the current east wing. Equipment available to be set up in the current east wing includes: Critical radiant flux apparatus (ASTM E 648/E 970), NBS smoke chamber (ASTM E 662), Fire tube apparatus (ASTM E 69), Modified Schlyter-panel apparatus, Two-foot tunnel apparatus, Oxygen-index test apparatus, and ASTM D 2898 Method B accelerated weathering chamber.

Professional Activities

Dr. Robert White is chairman of ASTM Subcommittee D7.07 Fire Performance of Wood and Wood Products and is active in ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Standands. He is a Deputy Coordinator for Research Group 5.03 Wood Protection of IUFRO. Robert White is member of ASTM, AWPA, FPS, IAFSS, NFPA, and SWST.

Dr. Mark Dietenberger is a member of SFPE and IAFSS.

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