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Title: Stocking, growth, and habitat relations in New Hampshire hardwoods

Author: Leak, William B.

Year: 1983

Publication: Res. Pap. NE-523. Broomall, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiement Station. 11p.

Abstract: Data from hardwood stands in New Hampshire substantiated the crown-width relationships used to develop the B-line (based on circular crowns) in the 1969 northern hardwood stocking guide, and produced an A-line slightly lower than the original line. Position of the A-line was unrelated to site or forest type. Diameter growth of hardwoods on moist and dry soils declined rapidly with increasing tree diameter. On fine till, diameter growth was nearly constant over tree diameter but positively related to relative crown size. Based on diameter-growth regressions, calculations of stand growth indicated that the minimum basal area for adequate even-aged stand growth was quite low (30 to 60 square feet) and roughly constant over mean stand diameter.

Last Modified: 6/30/2006

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