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Regional Agricultural Profiles System: Data Documentation


The Regional Agricultural Profiles System is a tool to retrieve, aggregate, and display a broad array of data on U.S. agricultural land use and production at various regional levels. The data are from the 2002 Census of Agriculture, conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The data tool includes a subset of Census variables that cover basic farm characteristics, agricultural land use, crop and livestock production, sales of farm products, and government payments. Specifically, variables are drawn from two summary tables, Table 1. State Summary Highlights: 2002, and Table 2. Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold Including Direct and Organic: 2002 and 1997. See the Census table index for the complete list of State-level tables.

Data may be reported at four levels of spatial aggregation: county, State, ERS Farm Resource Region, and USDA Farm Production Region (get descriptions and more detail about the USDA regions). The system aggregates published county-level Census data to form the ERS Farm Resource Regions. State-level data are aggregated to form the USDA Farm Production Regions. Due to data disclosure issues, reported data are generally more complete when aggregated at a larger geographic scale (see the Census documentation for their disclosure policy). For the various regional presentations of the data, the summary tables returned by the query report both the number of counties/States where data are withheld and the total value of the withheld data items.

The two regional aggregations (ERS Farm Resource and USDA Farm Production) are useful in using Census of Agriculture data with other data sets reported at these aggregations. For example, ERS' Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) data are reported at the Farm Resource Region level (see Customized Data Summaries From ARMS, Farm Structure and Finance tailored reports, and Crop Production Practices tailored reports). USDA Farm Production Regions have been used extensively for data development in support of U.S. agricultural sector modeling.

In addition to reporting standard Census variables, the system provides "share of total" values at the county, State, and regional level. These share values control for reporting bias due to varying size and agricultural intensity of reporting units and may permit more meaningful comparisons across regions, States and counties. For example, a simple mapping of livestock sales by county might suggest a heavy concentration of livestock production in the Corn Belt, while livestock sales expressed as a share of total agricultural sales indicates that livestock production may not be as dominant in the Corn Belt as in other regions. Note that when the share of total of a given variable is requested, the table reports values as a percentage of the region (and not the nation).

2002 Census of Agriculture Variable Categories and Complete Variable Listing

The following summarizes the broad variable categories and links to the detailed table listing.


Farm characteristics

Farms (number)
Farms with 1-9 acres
Farms with 1-9 acres (share of total)
Farms with 10-49 acres
Farms with 10-49 acres (share of total)
Farms with 50-179 acres
Farms with 50-179 acres (share of total)
Farms with 180-499 acres
Farms with 180-499 acres (share of total)
Farms with 500-999 acres
Farms with 500-999 acres (share of total)
Farms with 1,000+ acres
Farms with 1,000+ acres (share of total)
Farms where operator worked off-farm
Farms where operator worked off-farm (share of total)
Farms where operator worked off-farm 200 days or more
Farms where operator worked off-farm 200 days or more (share of total)
Farm with principal operator by primary occupation is 'farming'
Farm with principal operator by primary occupation is 'farming' (share of total)
Farm with principal operator by primary occupation is 'other'
Farm with principal operator by primary occupation is 'other' (share of total)
Farms with cropland
Farms with cropland (share of total)
Farms with harvested cropland
Farms with harvested cropland (share of total)
Farms with irrigated land
Farms with irrigated land (share of total)

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Land and land allocations

Land, acres in farms
Land, cropland acres
Land, cropland acres (share of total)
Land, harvested cropland acres
Land, harvested cropland acres (share of total)
Land, irrigated acres
Land, irrigated acres (share of total)

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Farm enterprises and associated sales

Farms, with all livestock and poultry sales
Farms, with all livestock and poultry sales (share of total)
Farms, with aquaculture sales
Farms, with aquaculture sales (share of total)
Farms, with cattle and calf sales
Farms, with cattle and calf sales (share of total)
Farms, with certified organic sales
Farms, with certified organic sales (share of total)
Farms, with Christmas trees or similar sales
Farms, with Christmas trees or similar sales (share of total)
Farms, with cotton sales
Farms, with cotton sales (share of total)
Farms, with crops including nursery and greenhouse sales
Farms, with crops including nursery and greenhouse sales (share of total)
Farms, with direct sales to individuals for human consumption
Farms, with direct sales to individuals for human consumption (share of total)
Farms, with fruits, tree nuts, or berry sales
Farms, with fruits, tree nuts, or berry sales (share of total)
Farms, with grains, oilseeds, or dry bean sales
Farms, with grains, oilseeds, or dry bean sales (share of total)
Farms, with hog and pig sales
Farms, with hog and pig sales (share of total)
Farms, with horse and equine sales
Farms, with horse and equine sales (share of total)
Farms, with milk and dairy product sales
Farms, with milk and dairy product sales (share of total)
Farms, with nursery, floriculture, sod, or greenhouse crop sales
Farms, with nursery, floriculture, sod, or greenhouse crop sales (share of total)
Farms, with other animal and product sales
Farms, with other animal and product sales (share of total)
Farms, with other crop or hay sales
Farms, with other crop or hay sales (share of total)
Farms, with poultry and egg sales
Farms, with poultry and egg sales (share of total)
Farms, with sheep, goat, and product sales
Farms, with sheep, goat, and product sales (share of total)
Farms, with tobacco sales
Farms, with tobacco sales (share of total)
Farms, with vegetable, melon, and potato sales
Farms, with vegetable, melon, and potato sales (share of total)

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Farm sale summary and government payments

Government payments (in $1,000)
Government payments (share of total)
Government payments (farms)
Government payments, farms (share of total)
Sales, $ per farm (see note)
Sales, all products (in $1,000) (see note)
Sales, crop products (in $1,000)
Sales, crop products (share of total)
Sales, livestock products (in $1,000)
Sales, livestock products (share of total)

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Farms and farm sales by sales class

Farms, with sales of less than $1,000 (see note)
Farms, with sales of less than $1,000 (share of total) (see note)
Farms, with sales of $1,000-$2,499
Farms, with sales of $1,000-$2,499 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $2,500-$4,999
Farms, with sales of $2,500-$4,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $5,000-$9,999
Farms, with sales of $5,000-$9,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $10,000-$19,999
Farms, with sales of $10,000-$19,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $20,000-$24,999
Farms, with sales of $20,000-$24,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $25,000-$39,999
Farms, with sales of $25,000-$39,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $40,000-$49,999
Farms, with sales of $40,000-$49,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $50,000-$99,999
Farms, with sales of $50,000-$99,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $100,000-$249,999
Farms, with sales of $100,000-$249,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of $250,000-$499,999
Farms, with sales of $250,000-$499,999 (share of total)
Farms, with sales of more than $500,000
Farms, with sales of more than $500,000 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling less than $1,000 (in $1,000) (see note)
Sales, from farms selling less than $1,000 (share of total) (see note)
Sales, from farms selling $1,000-$2,499 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $1,000-$2,499 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $2,500-$4,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $2,500-$4,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $5,000-$9,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $5,000-$9,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $10,000-$19,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $10,000-$19,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $20,000-$24,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $20,000-$24,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $25,000-$39,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $25,000-$39,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $40,000-$49,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $40,000-$49,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $50,000-$99,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $50,000-$99,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $100,000-$249,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $100,000-$249,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling $250,000-$499,999 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling $250,000-$499,999 (share of total)
Sales, from farms selling more than $500,000 (in $1,000)
Sales, from farms selling more than $500,000 (share of total)

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Farm sales by farm commodity

Sales, all products (in $1,000) (see note)
Sales, all crops (in $1,000)
Sales, all crops (share of total)
Sales, aquaculture (in $1,000)
Sales, aquaculture (share of total)
Sales, certified organic sales (in $1,000)
Sales, certified organic sales (share of total)
Sales, Christmas trees and similar (in $1,000)
Sales, Christmas trees and similar (share of total)
Sales, cotton (in $1,000)
Sales, cotton (share of total)
Sales, fruits, tree nuts, and berries (in $1,000)
Sales, fruits, tree nuts, and berries (share of total)
Sales, grains, oilseeds, and dry beans (in $1,000)
Sales, grains, oilseeds, and dry beans (share of total)
Sales, nursery, floriculture, sod, and greenhouse crops (in $1,000)
Sales, nursery, floriculture, sod, and greenhouse crops (share of total)
Sales, other crops and hay (in $1,000)
Sales, other crops and hay (share of total)
Sales, tobacco (in $1,000)
Sales, tobacco (share of total)
Sales, vegetables, melons, and potatoes (in $1,000)
Sales, vegetables, melons, and potatoes (share of total)
Sales, direct for consumption (in $1,000)
Sales, direct for consumption ($1,000) (share of total)
Sales, all livestock and poultry (in $1,000)
Sales, all livestock and poultry $1,000 (share of total)
Sales, cattle and calves (in $1,000)
Sales, cattle and calves (share of total)
Sales, hogs and pigs (in $1,000)
Sales, hogs and pigs (share of total)
Sales, horses and equine (in $1,000)
Sales, horses and equine (share of total)
Sales, milk and dairy products (in $1,000)
Sales, milk and dairy products (share of total)
Sales, other animals and products (in $1,000)
Sales, other animals and products (share of total)
Sales, poultry and eggs (in $1,000)
Sales, poultry and eggs (share of total)
Sales, sheep, goats, and products (in $1,000)
Sales, sheep, goats, and products (share of total)

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Grain, oilseed, dry bean crops

Barley, acres
Barley, acres (share of total)
Barley, farms
Barley, farms (share of total)
Barley, production (bushels)
Corn for grain, acres
Corn for grain, acres (share of total)
Corn for grain, Farms
Corn for grain, Farms (share of total)
Corn for grain, production (bushels)
Dry edible beans excluding limas, farms
Dry edible beans excluding limas, farms (share of total)
Dry edible beans excluding limas, acres
Dry edible beans excluding limas, acres (share of total)
Dry edible beans excluding limas, production (cwt)
Grain sorghum, acres
Grain sorghum, acres (share of total)
Grain sorghum, farms
Grain sorghum, farms (share of total)
Grain sorghum, production (bushels)
Oats, acres
Oats, acres (share of total)
Oats, farms
Oats, farms (share of total)
Oats, production (bushels)
Rice, acres
Rice, acres (share of total)
Rice, farms
Rice, farms (share of total)
Rice, production (cwt)
Soybeans, acres
Soybeans, acres (share of total)
Soybeans, farms
Soybeans, farms (share of total)
Soybeans, production (bushels)
Sunflower seed, acres
Sunflower seed, acres (share of total)
Sunflower seed, farms
Sunflower seed, farms (share of total)
Sunflower seed, production (pounds)
Wheat, all acres
Wheat, all acres (share of total)
Wheat, all farms
Wheat, all farms (share of total)
Wheat, all production (bushels)
Durum wheat, acres
Durum wheat, acres (share of total)
Durum wheat, farms
Durum wheat, farms (share of total)
Durum wheat, production (bushels)
Spring wheat,acres
Spring wheat,acres (share of total)
Spring wheat, farms
Spring wheat,farms (share of total)
Spring wheat, production (bushels)
Winter wheat, acres
Winter wheat, acres (share of total)
Winter wheat, farms
Winter wheat ,farms (share of total)
Winter wheat, production (bushels)

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Cotton, sugar, and tobacco crops

Cotton, all acres
Cotton, all acres (share of total)
Cotton, all farms
Cotton, all farms (share of total)
Cotton, all production (bales)
Cotton, pima acres
Cotton, pima acres (share of total)
Cotton, pima farms
Cotton, pima farms (share of total)
Cotton, pima production (bales)
Cotton, upland acres
Cotton, upland acres (share of total)
Cotton, upland farms
Cotton, upland farms (share of total)
Cotton, upland production (bales)
Sugarbeets, acres
Sugarbeets, acres (share of total)
Sugarbeets, farms
Sugarbeets, farms (share of total)
Sugarbeets, production (tons)
Sugarcane, acres
Sugarcane, acres (share of total)
Sugarcane, farms
Sugarcane, farms (share of total)
Sugarcane, production (tons)
Tobacco, acres
Tobacco, acres (share of total)
Tobacco, farms
Tobacco, farms (share of total)
Tobacco, production (pounds)

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Direct consumption crops

Orchards, acres
Orchards, acres (share of total)
Orchards, farms
Orchards, farms (share of total)
Peanuts, acres
Peanuts, acres (share of total)
Peanuts, farms
Peanuts, farms (share of total)
Peanuts, production (pounds)
Potatoes, acres
Potatoes, acres (share of total)
Potatoes, farms
Potatoes, farms (share of total)
Potatoes, production (cwt)
Sweet potatoes, acres
Sweet potatoes, acres (share of total)
Sweet potatoes, production (cwt)
Sweet potatoes, farms
Sweet potatoes, farms (share of total)
Vegetable, farms
Vegetable, farms (share of total)
Vegetables, acres harvested
Vegetables, acres harvested (share of total)

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Forage crops

Corn for silage, acres
Corn for silage, acres (share of total)
Corn for silage, farms
Corn for silage, farms (share of total)
Corn for silage, production (tons)
Hay, all acres
Hay, all acres (share of total)
Hay, all farms
Hay, all farms (share of total)
Hay, all production (dry tons)
Sorghum silage, acres
Sorghum silage acres (share of total)
Sorghum silage, farms
Sorghum silage, farms (share of total)
Sorghum silage, production (tons)

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Livestock and poultry

Broiler sales, farms
Broiler sales, farms (share of total)
Broiler sales, number sold
Layer inventory, farms
Layer inventory, farms (share of total)
Layer inventory, number
Cattle inventory, farms
Cattle inventory, farms (share of total)
Cattle inventory, number
Cattle sales, farms
Cattle sales, farms (share of total)
Cattle sales, number sold
Beef cow inventory, farms
Beef cow inventory, farms (share of total)
Beef cow inventory, number
Dairy cow inventory, farms
Dairy cow inventory, farms (share of total)
Dairy cow inventory, number
Hog/pig inventory, farms
Hog/pig inventory, farms (share of total)
Hog/pig inventory, number
Hog/pig sales, farms
Hog/pig sales, farms (share of total)
Hog/pig sales, number sold
Sheep/lamb inventory, farms
Sheep/lamb inventory, farms (share of total)
Sheep/lamb inventory, number


Variables pertaining to farm sales—For purposes of the Census of Agriculture, a farm is any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the census year. This includes farms with sales of less than $1,000, but with potential for at least $1,000 in sales based on cropland acres or head of livestock. Federal farm payments are also considered in identifying reporting farms with less than $1,000 in agricultural sales. Thus, for some user queries, farm sales totals or average farm sales may be less than $1,000. For more discussion of the issue, see the Appendix documentation to the 2002 Census.

(D) Indicates that the value is withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms.

(Z) Means that the value is less than half of the unit shown.




For more information, contact: Marcel Aillery

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Updated date: July 14, 2008