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Community Supported Agriculture
white pyrethrum flowers

Agritopics Series
no. AT 93-02

Compiled by: Suzanne DeMuth
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Information Research Services Branch
National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture

September 1993
NOTE: Visit our new (2008) Community Supported Agriculture Web Site to learn more about CSA. Resources include a state-by-state CSA farm listing, related organizations, bibliographic references, related Web Sites, research projects, and competitive grants for farmers and ranchers.

National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record

DeMuth, Suzanne
  Community supported agriculture (CSA) : an annotated bibliography and resource guide.
  (Agri-topics ; 93-02)
  1. Alternative agriculture--Bibliography. I. Title.
aZ5073.A37 no.93-02


“Since our existence is primarily dependent on farming, we cannot entrust this essential activity solely to the farming population-- just 2% of Americans. As farming becomes more and more remote from the life of the average person, it becomes less and less able to provide us with clean, healthy, lifegiving food or a clean, healthy, lifegiving environment. A small minority of farmers, laden with debt and overburdened with responsibility, cannot possibly meet the needs of all the people. More and more people are coming to recognize this, and they are becoming ready to share agricultural responsibilities with the active farmers.” (1)

Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a new idea in farming, one that has been gaining momentum since its introduction to the United States from Europe in the mid-1980s. The CSA concept originated in the 1960s in Switzerland and Japan, where consumers interested in safe food and farmers seeking stable markets for their crops joined together in economic partnerships. Today, CSA farms in the U.S., known as CSAs, currently number more than 400. Most are located near urban centers in New England, the Mid-Atlantic states, and the Great Lakes region, with growing numbers in other areas, including the West Coast.

In basic terms, CSA consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually, the community’s farm, with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production. Typically, members or “share-holders” of the farm or garden pledge in advance to cover the anticipated costs of the farm operation and farmer's salary. In return, they receive shares in the farm's bounty throughout the growing season, as well as satisfaction gained from reconnecting to the land and participating directly in food production. Members also share in the risks of farming, including poor harvests due to unfavorable weather or pests. By direct sales to community members, who have provided the farmer with working capital in advance, growers receive better prices for their crops, gain some financial security, and are relieved of much of the burden of marketing.

Although CSAs take many forms, all have at their center a shared commitment to building a more local and equitable agricultural system, one that allows growers to focus on land stewardship and still maintain productive and profitable small farms. As stated by Robyn Van En, a leading CSA advocate, "...the main goal...of these community supported projects is to develop participating farms to their highest ecologic potential and to develop a network that will encourage and allow other farms to become involved." (2) CSA farmers typically use organic or biodynamic farming methods, and strive to provide fresh, high-quality foods. More people participate in the farming operation than on conventional farms, and some projects encourage members to work on the farm in exchange for a portion of the membership costs.


(1) Trauger M. Groh and Steven S.H. McFadden, Farms of Tomorrow. Community Supported Farms, Farm Supported Communities. Kimberton, PA: Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association, 1990. [p. 6]

(2) Robyn Van En, Basic Formula to Create Community Supported Agriculture. Great Barrington, MA, 1992. Summary [p. 57].

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Most CSAs offer a diversity of vegetables, fruits, and herbs in season; some provide a full array of farm produce, including shares in eggs, meat, milk, baked goods, and even firewood. Some farms offer a single commodity, or team up with others so that members receive goods on a more nearly year-round basis. Some are dedicated to serving particular community needs, such as helping to enfranchise homeless persons. Each CSA is structured to meet the needs of the participants, so many variations exist, including the level of financial commitment and active participation by the shareholders; financing, land ownership, and legal form of the farm operation; and details of payment plans and food distribution systems.

CSA is sometimes known as “subscription farming,” and the two terms have been used on occasion to convey the same basic principles. In other cases, however, use of the latter term is intended to convey philosophic and practical differences in a given farm operation. Subscription farming (or marketing) arrangements tend to emphasize the economic benefits, for the farmer as well as consumer, of a guaranteed, direct market for farm products, rather than the con- cept of community-building that is the basis of a true CSA. Growers typically contract directly with customers, who may be called “members,” and who have agreed in advance to buy a minimum amount of produce at a fixed price, but who have little or no investment in the farm itself. An example of one kind of subscription farm, which predates the first CSAs in this country, is the cli-entele membership club. According to this plan, which was promoted by Booker Whatley in the early 1980's, a grower could maintain small farm profits by selling low cost memberships to customers who then were allowed to harvest crops at below-market prices.

Following is a selection of writings that document the CSA movement in the U.S. Most of these publications are contained in the collections of the National Agricultural Library (NAL), as indicated by an NAL call number. To obtain these materials, see attached “Document Delivery Services to Individuals.” Sources are offered, when known, for some publications that are not owned by NAL. Additional resources for information about CSAs are also included in this bibliography.

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  1. Anonymous. "Alternative marketing: subscription farming." CERTIFIED ORGANIC 2(2): 3-5 (January/February 1991).
       Briefly profiles the creation and operation of Common Harvest Farm in Minnesota. Grower Dan Guenthner received a sustainable agriculture demonstration grant to study subscription farming as a marketing alternative. (See also article in GREENBOOK '92, cited elsewhere in this bibliography, about this project.)

  2. Anonymous. "CSA--A fresh idea for fresh food!" WISCONSIN RURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER 10(2): 5 (May/June 1993).
       Reports briefly on the formation of the Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition (MACSAC). Includes contact information for Madison area CSAs.

  3. Anonymous. "CSA study circle reports recommendations."" MFA DIGEST [Quarterly Journal of the Minnesota Food Association] 7(1): 6 (April 1993).
       Reports on the activities of a study group concerned with the viability of CSA in the upper Midwest.
    Their findings and recommendations are documented in a 10-page report available from MFA (see address below).

  4. Anonymous. "CSA provides alternative for buying produce." ARKANSAS-OKLAHOMA SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE (AOSA) NETWORK, p. 12 (August 1991).
       Offers a brief description of CSA concept and operation, with contact information for 2 Michigan CSAs.

  5. Anonymous. "Caretaker steps to sustainability." MANNA [NEWSLETTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE] 8(2): 4 (Summer 1991).
       The grower for Caretaker Farm, one of the oldest certified organic farms in Massachusetts, cites reasons for the farm's conversion to CSA.
    NAL Call No.: S494.5S86M3

  6. Anonymous. "Common Harvest Community Farm
    [project title]." In: GREENBOOK '92. St Paul, MN: Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Energy and Sustainable Agriculture Program, 1992. pp. 66-67.
       Describes the operation of a subscription farm in Minnesota that was funded by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Includes basic marketing concept and highlights from 1990 and 1991, plus contact information.
    NAL Call No.: S494.5.S86M56 1992

  7. Anonymous. "Community supported agriculture. Steve and Gloria Decater." SMALL FARM NEWS, pp. 6-7, 10 (July/August 1992).
       The Decaters' biodynamically-based approach to CSA in Mendocino County, California is profiled. Includes excerpt from the farm's prospectus to shareholders and contact information.
    NAL Call No.: HD1476.U52C27

  8. Anonymous. "Gardening by community support." OHIO ECOLOGIC FOOD AND FARM ASSOCIATION NEWS 11(1): 3-4 (Winter 1991).
       Profiles the first year of operation for a biodynamic CSA project in northeast Ohio.

  9. Anonymous. "LSP project promotes community supported agriculture in Minnesota." THE LAND STEWARDSHIP LETTER 10(2): 1-2 (Spring 1992).
       Describes the growing interest in CSA in the Twin Cities area, with active support from the Land Stewardship Project's Metro Farm Program and other agricultural organizations.
    NAL Call No.: HD1485.L25L25

  10. Anonymous. "Sustainable agriculture and the marketing of farm products." KERR CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE (KCSA) NEWSLETTER 18(4): 1,4 (April 1992).
       Discusses subscription farming and CSA as a means to benefit farmers, consumers, and society. Provides examples of existing projects and an overview of the multitude of marketing arrangements that allow consumers to share in the risks of farming. Includes brief bibliography.
    NAL Call No.: S494.5.S86N39

  11. Berry, Wendell. "The agricultural crisis as a crisis of culture." In: THE UNSETTLING OF AMERICA: CULTURE AND AGRICULTURE. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1977.
       Berry explores the connection between the modernization of agricultural techniques and the disintegration of the culture and communities of farming.
    NAL Call No.: HD1761.B47

  12. Bourne, Joel. "The Plowboy interview: Robyn Van En." MOTHER EARTH NEWS No. 127: 60-63 (August/September 1991).
       "Mother" talks with Robyn Van En, co-founder of Indian Line Farm CSA in Massachusetts, about CSA as a model for a more sustainable form of food production that supports local growers.
    NAL Call No.: AP2.M6

  13. Bowman, Greg. "Farms for members only: where consumers foot the bill--and share the risk." THE NEW FARM 13(1): 16-19 (January 1991).
       Describes the philosophy of CSA and its beginnings in Europe, Japan, and the U.S. Focuses on the operation of the Mahaiwe Harvest CSA in Housatonic, Massachusetts, as well as five CSA projects in Arkansas, Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey and New York. Includes contact information for each farm.
    NAL Call No.: S1.N32

  14. Cicero, Karen. "These farmers have customers who care." THE NEW FARM 15(5): 18-22 (July/August 1993).
       Provides an overview of the CSA concept, practical aspects of operation, and a CSA vision for the future. Participants stress the importance of community building in a successful CSA venture. Offers suggestions for satisfying shareholders and generating repeat business.
    NAL Call No.: S1.N32

  15. Clunies-Ross, Tracey and Nicholas Hildyard. "The politics of industrial agriculture." THE ECOLOGIST 22(2): 65-71.
       Discusses the political and economic forces that have pressured farmers to adopt intensive chemical practices, citing CSA as one approach to promote sustainable agricultural initiatives.
    NAL Call No.: QH540.N38

  16. Cook, Jack. "Farm fresh." HARROWSMITH COUNTY LIFE 5(27): 52-57 (May/June 1990).
       NOTE: This article is also reprinted as "Consumers are getting healthy produce direct from the field by becoming partners with the farmers who feed them" in NATURAL FOOD " FARMING 37(10): 17-20,34 (November/December 1991).
       An informative article that describes the genesis and operation of a CSA farm in upstate New York. Provides an overview of CSA history in the U.S., its philosophy, and variations in practice among several groups. Includes a list of 13 CSAs in 9 states and how each can be contacted.
    NAL Call No.: S522.U5H37

  17. DeVault, George. "Too much of a good thing: subscription farming soured other successful enterprises." THE NEW FARM 13(1): 14-15 (January 1991).
       This article describes the experience of an organic grower in California who found that adding a subscription farming operation was detrimental to his other successful farming and marketing enterprises.
    NAL Call No.: S1.N32

  18. Duncan, Sally. "Produce by subscription." ORGANIC GARDENING 31(4): 44,46 (April 1984).
       Organic grower in Oregon tells how she came to the idea of subscription farming as a means to market surplus produce, and how her operation works.
    NAL Call No.: 57.8 OR32

  19. Groh, Trauger (and others). "The Temple-Wilton Community Farm. Excerpts from their newsletter--1986-1990." BIODYNAMICS No. 176: 37-53 (Fall 1990).
       Documents genesis of the CSA concept and initial planning stages for the first CSA effort in the U.S. Includes discussion of organizational aspects, finances, and initial progress.
    NAL Call No.: 56.8 B52

  20. Guenthner, Dan. "Community supported agriculture is good for the farmer, good for the consumer." THE LAND STEWARDSHIP LETTER 10(2): 2-3 (Spring 1992).
       By the grower of Common Harvest Farm in Minnesota, this article outlines the concept, history, benefits, and challenges of CSA. Common Harvest Farm is the subject of an article in GREENBOOK '92, cited elsewhere in this bibliography.
    NAL Call No.: HD1485.L25L25

  21. Lawson, Jered. "Cabbages and compassion. Community supported homeless farming." RAIN MAGAZINE 14(3): 2-9 (Spring 1993).
       A narrative by the CSA Coordinator for the Homeless Garden Project in Santa Cruz, California, in operation since 1990. The Project provides work and community support for homeless persons in Santa Cruz, who grow vegetables, flowers, and herbs organically on a 2.5 acre urban lot.
    Provides an important social and economic model towards revitalizing urban neighborhoods and marginalized people. Includes a list of resources and advocacy information concerning the homeless, and CSA.

  22. McFadden, Steven S.H. "The farm of tomorrow: reconnecting people with the earth." NATURAL FOOD " FARMING 37(10): 15-16 (November/December 1991).
       Author discusses the workings of CSA farms and offers them as one solution to the environmental, economic, and cultural inadequacies associated with mainstream agriculture and current food distribution systems. Article is adapted from FARMS OF TOMORROW by T. Groh and S. McFadden, cited elsewhere in this bibliography.
    NAL Call No.: 389.8 N218

  23. Schonbeck, Mark. "CSA working group At SAWG Conference--A summary of notes taken by Mark Schonbeck." VIRGINIA BIOLOGICAL FARMER 16(3): 16-17 (Spring 1993).
       Consists of the author's report on CSA workshops held at the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (SAWG) Conference in January 1993. Includes CSA growers' comments on attracting shareholders, economic sustainability issues, garden planning, and CSA advantages and challenges. Good advice from experienced CSA participants.
    NAL Call No.: S605.5 V47

  24. Schrupp, Karen and Terry Gips. "Community supported agriculture: connecting farmers and consumers." MANNA [NEWSLETTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 8(2): 1,4 (Summer 1991)
       Focuses on CSA beginnings in the 1970s, including Swiss consumer organizations and Japanese buying clubs known as "teikei." Describes briefly several U.S. farms, and includes Japanese contact information.
       NOTE: This issue also contains a review of FARMS OF TOMORROW by T. Groh and S. McFadden (p. 4), cited elsewhere in this bibliography.
    NAL Call No.: S494.5.S86M3

  25. Stone, Pat. "Hoes for hire. Community supported agriculture." MOTHER EARTH NEWS No. 114: 54-59 (November/December 1988).
       Article describes the experiences of Barbara and Kerry Kimberton, founders of the Kimberton CSA in Pennsylvania. Includes their farming philosophy and details of their operation, with mention of successes as well as failures.
    NAL Call No.: AP2.M6

  26. VanderTuin, Jan. "Community supported agriculture." BIODYNAMICS No. 163: 58-64 (Summer 1987).
       One of the leading advocates of CSA in the U.S. discusses the CSA concept of farm and community support in promoting ecologic and economic health. He describes the early history of the CSA project at Indian Line Farm in The Berkshires of Massachusetts.
    NAL Call No.: 56.8 B52

  27. VanderTuin, Jan. "Vegetables for all." ORGANIC GARDENING 34(9): 72, 75-78 (September. 1987).
       CSA philosophy is promoted by one of the first CSA organizers in the U.S. Includes description of the first projects in this country, and basic considerations in starting a new CSA.
    NAL Call No.: S605.5.R64

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Newspaper Articles

  1. Hall, Trish. "Produce Grown to Order in Berkshires." NEW YORK TIMES, September 30, 1987.
       Focuses on a CSA farm in South Egremont, Massachusetts--one of the first CSA projects in the U.S.--two years into its operation as a pioneering farm venture.

  2. Hanson, Cynthia B. "Farm support strategy takes root." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR [Boston, MA] 82(248): 12-13 (November 20, 1990).
       Discusses the growing interest in CSA and various projects in New England. Advocates cite advantages in terms of farm and community support and consumer gains.

  3. Schneider, Keith, "Small Farms Sell Shares in a Way of Life." NEW YORK TIMES, October 31, 1992.
       Traces the development and working concept of CSAs in the U.S., particularly in New England. Focuses on the history of Brookfield Farm in South Amherst, Massachusetts, a CSA farm since 1987.

  4. Sugarman, Carole. "Share the land: an innovative way to shoulder the burden and save the family farm." THE WASHINGTON POST, May 15, 1991. pp. E1, E4.
       Provides an overview of CSA philosophy and practice, with focus on several CSA projects near Washington, D.C. Includes contact information.

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  1. BACKYARD MARKET GARDENING: THE ENTREPRENEUR'S GUIDE TO SELLING WHAT YOU GROW. Andrew W. Lee; foreward by Jim Hightower; introduced by George DeVault. Bur-lington, VT: Good Earth Publications, 1993. 351 pp.
       The author details evolution of his successful market garden and discusses the importance of developing localized food production systems. Offers advice on cultivation methods, tools and equipment, and other important considerations, as well as the perspectives of other successful market gardeners. The bulk of this informative guide focuses on marketing strategies, including community supported farms and other forms of direct marketing.
    NAL Call No.: IPM930330725 (in process)

  2. 1992 BASIC FORMULA TO CREATE COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE. Robyn Van En. Great Barrington, MA, 1992. [59 pp.]
       The author, co-founder of one of the first CSAs in the U.S., has written a workbook that provides details on starting and operating a CSA. Includes discussion of advantages and disadvantages, and information concerning outreach, budgets, and working documents, as well as a resource guide and a comprehensive bibliography of articles about the CSA movement.
       NOTE: This book can also be obtained from CSA of North America and the Farming Alternatives Program of Cornell University (addresses follow).
    NAL Call No.: HD9225.A2V35

  3. CSA'S. COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE: AN ALTERNATIVE ENTERPRISE GUIDEBOOK. Harlem Valley Planning Partnership. Fairfield, VT: Yellow Wood Associates, 1991. [20 pp.]
       A useful guidebook providing an overview of CSA, including organization and costs. Includes examples of current projects, sample budgets and harvest schedules, and a CSA bibliography.
    NAL Call No.: HD1491.A3C82 1991

  4. 1990 FARMS OF TOMORROW. COMMUNITY SUPPORTED FARMS, FARM SUPPORTED COMMUNITIES. Trauger M. Groh and Steven S.H. McFadden. Kimberton, PA: Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association, 1990. 169 pp.
       An in-depth guide to CSA as a new approach to farming that offers numerous positive societal benefits. In Part I, Trauger Groh examines the farming crisis, the promise of new CSA farms, and outlines 10 basic steps towards the farms of tomorrow, relying heavily on bio-dynamic farming concepts. Part II, by Steven McFadden, offers examples of the workings of seven CSA farms and communities that have embraced this approach in a variety of ways. Appendices include excerpts from the newsletter of early years of the Temple-Wilton Community Farm, sample farm budgets and harvest schedules, contact information for the CSAs profiled in book, and additional financial and informational resources.
    NAL Call No.: S589.7.G76

  5. HOW TO MAKE $100,000 FARMING 25 ACRES. Booker T. Whatley and the editors of THE NEW FARM. (alternate title: BOOKER T. WHATLEY'S HANDBOOK ON HOW TO MAKE $100,000 FARMING 25 ACRES). Emmaus, PA: The Regenerative Agriculture Association (Rodale Institute), 1987. 180 pp.
       The author, a renowned horticulturist from the Tuskegee Institute, offers his 10-point plan for solving market and labor problems to make small farms profitable. Includes practical advice on farm equipment, growing high value crops, and marketing. Chapter 3 tells how to create a clientele membership club to build a guaranteed market.
    NAL Call No.: S501.2.W47

  6. MARKET WHAT YOU GROW. Ralph J. Hils, Jr. Atlanta, GA: Chicot Press, 1989. 51 pp.
       For small growers, provides an overview of seven direct marketing alternatives, including the clientele membership club (or Whatley plan) and community supported agriculture.
    NAL Call No.: HD9000.5.H54

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Jered Lawson

Jered Lawson, CSA Coordinator of the Homeless Garden Project in Santa Cruz, California, has made an academic study of CSA theory and practice, and assembled 2 CSA readers; these publications are described below.
   To obtain these materials, or to learn more about the Homeless Garden Project, contact the author at 518 Meder St., Santa Cruz, CA 95061, (408) 425-7232.

  1. 1992 SENIOR THESIS. COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE. 105 pp. A study of the history of the CSA model, CSA theory and practice, and how existing CSA farms conform to the goals and definition of sustainable agriculture.
       Includes also a case study of the Homeless Garden Project's CSA start-up.

       Contains media-generated reports, newsletters, and booklets on the CSA movement, as well as CSA farm documents.

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A CSA Periodical

Amos and Melody Newcombe, editors
P.O. Box 27
Mount Tremper, NY 12457
(914) 688-5030
An international newsletter on CSAs, issued quarterly.
Contact the editors for subscription information.

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The following is a partial list of sustainable farming groups that can provide information about CSAs and networks operating in their areas. Contact them for more information.

Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA)
Contact: Marjorie Bender, Executive Director
115 W. Main
Carrboro, NC 27510
(919) 968-1030

Land Stewardship Project
Contact: Peg McNamara
14758 Ostlund Trail North
Marine, MN 55047
(612) 433-2770

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners
Association (MOFGA)
P.O. Box 2176
Augusta, ME 04338
(207) 622-3118

Minnesota Food Association
2395 University Ave, Rm 309
Saint Paul, MN 55114
(612) 644-2038

Natural Organic Farmers Association - New Jersey (NOFA-NJ)
31 Titus Mill Rd
Pennington, NJ 08534
(609) 737-6848

Wisconsin Rural Development Center
1406 Business Highway 18-151 East
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
(608) 437-5971

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Additional Contacts and Information Sources

The following publications contain additional contact information for agricultural resource groups, as well as publications dealing with sustainable agriculture. A number of the sources listed are active in CSA and can support efforts to set up local projects, or may be able to provide specific information on regional activities:

       A comprehensive, informative, international directory listing some 1400 entries "for and about people interested in preserving and expanding resource-enhancing, spirit fulfilling, and economically feasible food production and distribution."" Entries are listed alphabetically and indexed by subject and geographic area. Several CSAs in the U.S. are listed, as well as numerous organizations and conferences concerned with sustainable agriculture issues.
    NAL Call No.: S605.5 H43

  2. SHOWCASE OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE INFORMATION & EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS. Sustainable Agriculture Network. Davis, CA: University of California, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, 1992. 63 pp.
       A booklet providing information on publications on sustainable agricultural issues and practices, assembled from 67 sources in research, education, business, and non-profits. Cross-indexed by title, author, and contributing organization. Includes contact information for many of the organizations mentioned in this bibliography.
    NAL Call No. in process

  3. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE PROGRAM DIRECTORY 1992. Washington, D.C: The American Farmland Trust, 1992. 70 pp.
       A comprehensive listing of state, regional, national, and international sustainable agriculture initiatives.
    NAL Call No.: S494.5.S86S875 1992

  4. 1991 SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE RESOURCES AND INFORMATION DIRECTORY, MINNESOTA 1991. Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Energy and Sustainable Agriculture Program, 1991. 26 pp.
       Includes sustainable agriculture organizations inside and outside Minnesota, plus research and demonstration grants, and resources.
    NAL Call No.: 494.5.S86S97

  5. Gates, Jane P. PERIODICALS PERTAINING TO ALTERNATIVE FARMING SYSTEMS. Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Library, February 1993. 22 pp.
       An AFSIC publication that provides an extensive listing of journals and newsletters concerned with sustainable agriculture, including a number that served as sources for the articles and other information on CSA included herein.
    NAL Call No.: IPM930406940 (in process)

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A CSA Video

IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT VEGETABLES. Produced by Downtown Productions and Jan Vandertuin for the Community Supported Agricultural Project (CSA) in South Egremont, MA. 1986. (18 min.)
   A broadcast quality video introducing the community supported farms concept through interviews with the original founders and participants of the CSA Project in South Egremont. A useful organizing tool that can be obtained from CSA of North America (address follows) or Downtown Productions, 22 Railroad St., Great Barrington, MA 01230, (413) 528-9395.

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Following is a selection of national and regional agricultural organizations that have recently offered, or who are planning, conferences or workshops on CSA. Consult other sources in this bibliography for contact information, and for additional sponsors.

  1. "Eighth Annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference: Building Sustainable Communities," (Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA)) Raleigh, North Carolina, November 12-14, 1993. Contact CFSA (919) 968-1030.

  2. "Farming for the Future" [Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) Annual Conference], University Park, Pennsylvania, February 5-6, 1993.

  3. 1993 National Direct Marketing Conference, Portland, Oregon, January 28-30, 1993. [Reported in SMALL FARM NEWS, November/December 1992.]

  4. Ninth Annual California Farm Conference, Santa Rosa, California, February 7-9, 1992. [Reported in SMALL FARM NEWS November/December 1992.]

  5. Pennsylvania Community Supported Agriculture Workshop, co-sponsored by Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA), Rodale Institute, and Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association. Scheduled for November 6, 1993 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. For further information, contact the PASA office at (814) 349-9856, or P.O. Box 316, Millheim, PA 16854.

  6. The Bio-Dynamic Association also holds an annual CSA conference, more national in scope, in January of each year.

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Additional CSA Resources: Individuals and Organizations

  1. ATTRA (Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas)
    P.O. Box 3657
    Fayetteville, AR 72702
       ATTRA is a national sustainable agriculture information center offering technical assistance and information to commercial farmers, extension agents, agricultural support groups, researchers, and educators. They provide an array of resource materials, including specific information concerning CSA and other forms of direct marketing--contact them for details.

  2. Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association
    P.O. Box 550
    Kimberton, PA 19442
    (215) 935-7797
    FAX (215) 983-3196
       The Association serves as an advisory and networking group for all aspects of community farms. They offer a listing of existing CSA farms in the U.S. and Canada, and a 10-page brochure that provides an introduction to CSA. They also sponsor an annual conference on CSA.

  3. CSANA (Community Supported Agriculture of North America)
    c/o WTIG, 818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
    Suite 800
    Washington, DC 20006
    (202) 785-5135
       CSANA is a non-profit organization supporting CSAs in the U.S. and Canada. They offer a directory of CSA farms, a newsletter and other publications, as well as networking services for linking aspiring CSA growers and shareholders. Contact them for further details of their services.

  4. Farming Alternatives Program
    Dept. of Rural Sociology
    Warren Hall
    New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
    Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
    (607) 255-9832
       This organization, which also publishes FARMING ALTERNATIVES NEWSLETTER, offers a 24-page information packet on CSA that includes articles, references, and networking resources. Note: A number of the articles and references in the CSA information packet are duplicated in this bibliography. Their list of publications for sale includes Robyn Van En's workbook, BASIC FORMULA TO CREATE COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE, mentioned elsewhere in this bibliography.

  5. Robyn Van En
    Indian Line Farm CSA
    RR3, Box 85, Jug End Rd.
    Great Barrington, MA 01230
    (413) 528-4374
       Ms. Van En, who is a pioneer in the CSA movement in this country, has written a guidebook for setting up CSA projects, and produced a video, both of which are described above. She also is co-director of CSA of North America.

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