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Open Geospatial Consortium Web Mapping Service

  These instructions were prepared for developers of Web mapping services who want to connect to™ using Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) protocols for interoperability and access.

Anyone can connect to the National Atlas of the United States® by supplying valid OGC parameter values to our uniform resource locator (URL). We currently support the parameters shown in the following table.
 Parameter  Valid Values  Default Value
Request  Capabilities, Map  Capabilities
Width  A valid whole number expressed in pixels 425 pixels
Height  A valid whole number expressed in pixels 300 pixels
Layers Individually listed in the capabilities file. This may be qualified by a dimension tag. The background layer displaying
countries in the Northern Hemisphere
within the currently defined bounding box.
SRS EPSG:2163 EPSG:2163
BBox Four comma-delimited numeric values
expressed in meters.
Transparent True, False False
BGColor A hexadecimal value 0xFFFFFF
WMTVER 1.0.0 ,1.0,1.0.7 1.0.7
Exceptions Inimage, Blank, WMS_XML WMS_XML
Use either of the following URLs to access our capabilities file:

A map request is built using this basic URL followed by a question mark and valid parameter=value pairs separated by an ampersand (&). For example, this map lengthy request will generate the map that appears just below the request: &Layers=background,states,Grid&SRS=EPSG:2163&BBOX=-5720171,-2783739.25,4279073,4487617 &Format=JPEG&Transparent=True& BGColor=0xffaadd&WMTVER=1.0.7&Exceptions=WMS_XML

If no parameter values are supplied, a default map image is drawn.

When invalid values are supplied, a detailed error message is returned indicating which parameter value pair is invalid in XML format if WMS_XML is the value of Exceptions. If the parameter value of Exceptions = Inimage was supplied, the default image is drawn with the error message embedded in the image. If the parameter value of Exceptions = Blank was given, then a blank image will be returned. map layers are listed in the capabilities file between layer tags. For example:
<Layer queryable="0" opaque="0" noSubsets="0">
<Title>Crops - 1997</Title>
<Dimension name="crop" units="" />
<Extent name="crop">"Soybeans for Beans", "Cotton", "Corn for Grain or Seed", "Wheat for Grain"</Extent>

In this example, name tags define the name of the map layer, within the layer tags. The general map layer name (crop) has a specific title of Crops - 1997. But we have prepared more than one crop map layer. So in our example, we use dimension tags with an extent instance to qualify the type of crop map requested.

Add a dimension tag beginning with &dim_ followed by the dimension name =<Extent instance> after the layer tag to identify the crop layer to be displayed. To illustrate this using another example, the syntax below will make a map using the specific crop layer named Soybeans for Beans.

&Layers=background,states,Grid,crop&dim_Crop=Soybeans for Beans

If a layer does not have a dimension name or extent name contained in the <Layer></Layer> tag, then only the layer name is required.

Please consult the OGC Implementation Specification for Web Map Services for more information.


At this time, map-drawing order is predetermined by the™ map software and cannot be changed.

The data are in a Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection as defined in the capabilities file. The OGC assigned the National Atlas implementation of this projection a Spatial Reference System tag of 2163.

The default bounding box covers the full geographic extent of the National Atlas.

Selected National Atlas Web Mapping Services are also available from the Geography Network.