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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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Project Reports





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Info from SARE Projects
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Info from SARE Projects

SARE funds research, education and demonstration projects, some of which generate informational products such as books, bulletins or websites. See the links below to view those products or to browse the SARE projects database. Inclusion of a resource does not constitute endorsement by SARE nor does exclusion imply that other resources are not suitable. This partial list will be continually updated.

To order, use the contact information listed for each item. DO NOT ORDER FROM SARE Outreach.

View Project Resources by Region

North Central Region

Northeast Region

Southern Region

Western Region

Submit Your Resource
Are you a SARE grant recipient? Submit your information product here.

Correct Your Listing
If any part of your resource listing is incorrect, please e-mail corrections to us.

Search SARE Project Reports Database
The information products listed here were all developed as part of SARE-funded projects. Search the database.




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