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Title: An Examination of Regional Hardwood Roundwood Markets in West Virginia

Author: Luppold, William; Alderman, Delton

Year: 2005

Publication: In: Alavalapati, Janaki R.R.; Carter, Douglas R., eds. Competitiveness of southern forest products markets in a global economy: trends and predictions, proceedings of the Southern Forest Economics Workshop 2004; 2004 March 14-16; St. Augustine, FL. School of Forest Resources Conservation, University of Florida: 130-138.

Abstract: West Virginia?s hardwood resource is large and diverse ranging from oak-hickory forests in the southern and western portions of the state to northern hardwood stands in the northeastern region. West Virginia also has a diverse group of primary hardwood- processing industries, including hardwood grade mills, industrial hardwood sawmills, engineered wood-product manufacturing facilities, rustic-fence plants, face-veneer operations, a hardwood plywood mill, and several pulpwood concentration yards that supply mills in Ohio, Maryland, and Virginia. Each of these primary hardwood-processing industries has specific roundwood requirements with respect to species and quality, resulting in diverse roundwood markets. We examine the diversity of West Virginia?s roundwood markets based on a survey of 30 logging and associated roundwood merchandising operations. The harvesting operations surveyed merchandised roundwood to an average of four markets each. However, the production of sawlogs or peeler logs appeared to be the primary driver of these harvesting operations. Other roundwood markets appear to be secondary and material is merchandised for these markets as profit opportunities emerge. Of the species harvested in West Virginia, yellow-poplar is the most versatile as it is used for sawlogs, peeler logs, and rustic fencing. Yellow-poplar also is the primary species used in the production of oriented strand board.

Last Modified: 10/18/2007

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