Southern Research Station Headquarters - Asheville, NC
Main Logo of Southern Research Station, Stating: Southern Research Station - Asheville, NC, with a saying of 'Science you can use!'
[Images] Five photos of different landscape

Compass issue 10
Download issue 11 PDF

Compass is a quarterly publication of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station (SRS). As part of the Nation's largest forestry research organization -- USDA Forest Service Research and Development -- SRS serves 13 Southern States and beyond. The Station's 130 scienists work in more than 20 units located across the region at Federal laboratories, universites, and experimental forests.

Small logo of the USDASmall logo of the Forest Service Shield

Compass Evaluation

Please help us!

Compass is approaching its second anniverary as the Southern Station's quarterly science magazine. We feel that now is a good time to revisit our reasons for launching Compass and to evaluate its effectiveness in meeting our original goal--providing perspectives and tools to benefit southern forest resources--especially in the light of flat or potentially decreasing Federal budgets.

Each issue of Compass is built around a theme that we believe is crucial to the sustainability of natural resources in the South. In addition, each issue contains a listing of 20 to 40 new products, with abstracts, that can be ordered using a tear-out response card.

We would appreciate your thoughts on the effectiveness of Compass in meeting your needs, through the scorecard below or, better yet, by offering comments, complaints, or suggestions in the blank space below.

If you would be willing to participate in a brief telephone interview, please include a contact number.

Thanks much,
Carol Whitlock
Assistant Director for Science Delivery

Please Rate Strongly
  1 2 3 4 5
This publication is well organized
The subject matter was explained sufficiently to meet my needs
The content is presented clearly.
The graphics (photos, tables, charts) were helpful.
This research information is useful to me.


The following are entirely optional:

Yes, I would like to participate in a brief telephone interview.


Telephone No.:

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