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Environmental Interactions with Agricultural Production:
Federal Laws Protecting Environmental Quality


Farmers face a complex set of factors when they make decisions about farm management and conservation practices. The vagaries of weather and markets introduce uncertainty into farmers' operations. The use of conservation practices may also introduce uncertainty about net returns while producing benefits enjoyed mostly off the farm. Decisions made by farmers on how and where to produce commodities can be influenced by policies and programs for protecting the environment. USDA has several major programs for providing financial and technical assistance to farmers for protecting water quality, soil quality, and wildlife habitat.

Farmers can also be influenced by other Federal environmental protection policies and programs that may restrict or encourage certain production practices. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is chiefly responsible for administering environmental protection policies and programs. The Clean Water Act (1972) is the major law protecting water quality. Several CWA programs address "nonpoint-source" pollution, which is the most prevalent type of pollution associated with agriculture.

The Nonpoint Source Program (Section 319) requires States to develop nonpoint-source management programs. Nonpoint-source control plans can include State regulatory measures, but usually emphasize voluntary actions like those used in USDA conservation programs. Implementation grants to States and tribes ($200 million in FY2008) fund projects like installation of best management practices (BMPs) for animal waste; design and implementation of BMP systems for stream, lake, and estuary watersheds; and basinwide landowner education programs. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), created by Congress to fund the construction of water treatment plants, can be used by States to provide reduced-rate loans for water quality projects included in the State nonpoint-source plan. Fifteen States have used CWSRF for funding waste management systems, manure spreaders, conservation tillage equipment, irrigation equipment, filter strips, and streambank stabilization. In 2007 $240 million in CWSRF funding was used for nonpoint source pollution reduction and estuary protection in over 600 projects (including urban and other non-agricultural projects).

Water pollution from some animal feeding operations is treated as a point source under the Clean Water Act. Confined animal feeding operations meeting certain size thresholdspdf icon or other conditions fall under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). These operations, known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), must obtain NPDES permits that specify standards for the production area (i.e., housing, waste storage) and for the land where wastes are applied. CAFOs must also implement a nutrient management plan for animal manure applied to land.

As a form of nonpoint pollution, nutrient runoff from fields has traditionally been addressed with voluntary approaches. This is the first time that a nonpoint source of water pollution has been regulated at the Federal level. EPA estimates that up to 15,500 operations are covered by the CAFO regulations. These regulations may impose significant manure management costs in areas where land for spreading manure is scarce. These costs could influence location decisions for large operations and spur the development of alternative uses for manure. EPA encourages CAFOs to seek financial and technical assistance from USDA to help them meet manure management requirements.

The Total Maximum Daily Load provisions of the Clean Water Act are intended to be the second line of defense for protecting the quality of surface-water resources. When technology-based controls are inadequate to insure that water quality meets State standards, Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires States to develop total maximum daily loads (TMDL) for affected waters. A TMDL is the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to all the pollutant's sources. States must submit to EPA a list of impaired waters and the cause of the impairment. More than 20,000 such waters have been identified as impaired under Section 303(d).

Impaired watersheds

Section 404 of the Clean Water Act establishes a program for protecting wetlandspdf icon. It regulates the discharge of dredged and fill material into U.S. waters, including wetlands, and is a key policy for meeting the "no net loss" goal for wetland acreage. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers administers the program, while EPA develops and interprets environmental criteria used in evaluating permit applications. Ongoing farming activities are generally exempt from Section 404, but filling wetlands to create new farmland requires a permit.

The Coastal Zone Management Act Reauthorization Amendments (CZARA) of 1990 added nonpoint-source water pollution requirements to the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. The Coastal Zone Management Act is a collaboration between Federal, State and local governments for managing and allocating coastal resources. All coastal States, including Great Lakes States, can develop a coastal zone management program and receive financial assistance from the Federal Government (developing a program is not mandatory). CZARA requires that each State and territory with an approved coastal zone management program submit a plan to implement management measures for nonpoint-source pollution to restore and protect coastal waters. Currently, 34 coastal States and territories have developed nonpoint-source pollution control plans.

Coastal nonpoint pollution control plans, 2005

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974 requires the EPA to set standards for drinking-water quality and requirements for water treatment by public water systems. States are required to develop Source Water Assessment Programs to assess the areas serving as public sources of drinking water in order to identify potential threats and to initiate protection efforts. EPA is required to establish a list of contaminants for consideration in future regulation. The Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List, last released in 2005, lists several agricultural chemicals—including metolachlor, acetochlor, methyl bromide, and the triazines—for consideration.

The Clean Air Act (CAA) of 1970 sets limits on how much of a pollutant can be in the air anywhere in the United States . The criteria pollutant most associated with agriculture is particulates. Where airborne dust from fields, burning crop residues, or other sources exceeds permissible levels, States must take steps to reduce emissions. Airborne dust from fields in Washington and particulates from burning rice straw in California have led to State Implementation Plans (SIPs) for controlling emissions from agricultural fields. Ammonia is a precursor for fine particulates in the atmosphere, and confined animal operations are the source for over 50 percent of atmospheric ammonia emissions in the United States . California has implemented State regulations for reducing ammonia emissions from dairy operations that were affecting air quality in heavily populated areas downwind. In 2006, EPA revised the particulate matter standard to control for fine particulates.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) of 1947 provides direct controls over the sale and use of pesticides. Under FIFRA, all pesticides must be approved by EPA through a mandatory registration process. In 1996, the Food Quality Protection Act amended FIFRA to eliminate inconsistencies between it and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 (which regulates pesticide residues on food). The amendments allow EPA to move quickly to suspend the use of a pesticide to prevent serious risks to human health and the environment.

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 conserves the ecosystems upon which endangered and threatened species (wildlife and plants) depend. To do so, the law regulates the modification or degradation of habitat deemed critical for species survival. All Federal agencies are required to protect endangered species and protect their habitat. Private landowners who wish to conduct activities on their land that might incidentally harm wildlife listed as endangered or threatened are required to obtain an incidental take permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Under the Act, EPA must also ensure that the use of pesticides it registers will not result in harm to any species listed as endangered and threatened, or to habitat critical to those species' survival. EPA's Endangered Species Protection Program ( ) is a program designed to determine whether pesticide use in a certain geographic area may affect any listed species. If limitations on pesticide use are necessary, information on use restrictions is relayed through Endangered Species Protection Bulletins. Use limitations are enforced through FIFRA.

The Endangered Species Act may have a large impact on agriculture through the supply of irrigation water from Federal irrigation projects. The Bureau of Reclamation has taken measures to protect the flow of rivers supporting endangered species, such as salmon. Sufficient flow for endangered species can reduce the irrigation water available to farmers from Federal irrigation projects, with obvious implications for crop production.

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, commonly known as Superfund, was enacted in 1980 to provide broad Federal authority to respond to releases of hazardous substances that might endanger public health. Originally focused on hazardous wastes from industrial plants, the increased size and consolidation of animal feeding operations has raised the possibility that the emission of substances like ammonia and hydrogen sulfide from such operations may be subject to the notification provisions of CERCLA.

Role of USDA Conservation Programs

Federal environmental laws cover many aspects of agricultural production. Laws aimed at preserving habitat (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act) or at controlling the use of toxic agricultural inputs (FIFRA) are the source of direct constraints on agriculture at the Federal level. Those Federal laws directed at reducing environmental pollution (i.e., Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Coastal Zone Management Act) have generally not constrained agriculture directly, opting instead for voluntary approaches overseen primarily by the States. Constraints on agricultural production to reduce pollution emissions are more likely to arise at the State level in response to local problems.

USDA's conservation programs can help farmers respond to resource issues subject to regulation. For example, being in a 303(d) impaired watershed is a screening advantage in applications for EQIP. EPA encourages CAFOs to seek financial and technical assistance from USDA to help them implement Clean Water Act provisions, and 60 percent of EQIP's funding is earmarked for animal feeding operations. USDA also helps farmers reduce air pollution in dust and ozone non-attainment areas in California with a cost-share program funded through EQIP. The Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program is being used to help landowners protect habitat for endangered species. The Conservation Reserve Program and Grassland Reserve Program both consider potential benefits to endangered species in the selection of land offered for enrollment.


For more information, contact: Marc Ribaudo

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Updated date: September 30, 2008