SEAS Seminars: Sustainable Energy and Atmospheric Sciences

Hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory

A monthly seminar series designed to enhance communication and collaboration among scientists at NREL, NOAA ESRL, and others in the community working on issues related to renewable energy. Key meteorological questions must be answered to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy in the U.S. This series brings together those who can combine their knowledge and expertise to solve the problems that have slowed the integration of renewable energy sources into the U.S. electric grid. Scientists at the University of Colorado, School of Mines, Colorado State University, the National Center for Atmospheric Research and private industry are encouraged to participate. The location will alternate between NOAA in Boulder and NREL in Golden, as will the affiliation of the speakers.

Past Seminar Materials

Schedule of Seminars

  • March 19, 2009 - Boulder

    Keith Parks - Xcel Energy
    Dave Mooney - NREL

    U.S. electric grid and system integration issues as they relate to renewable energy

Seminar Location: NIST Auditorium, Boulder

Seminars in Boulder are held at the National Institute of Standards (NIST) Auditorium, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado. Visitors attending the talks should review the Visitor Information for campus directions and security information. All visitors will need to enter the campus through the visitor center, show a U.S. photo ID, and obtain a security badge. Please allow extra time to enter the campus. Contact Holly Palm, 303-497-6000, with any questions and to RSVP for the seminar.

Seminar Location: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden

Seminars in Golden are held at the National Renewable Energy Center in Golden, CO, in the Visitor’s Center. For directions, see: If you have questions, please contact Judy Will at NREL:  (303-275-3098).