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2002 Census Publications
Quick Facts

Quick Facts About the Census:

The 2002 Census of Agriculture is the most comprehensive source of statistics portraying our Nation's agriculture.

A farm or ranch is defined as any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the reference year.

Data from the census of agriculture provides a true picture of American agriculture operators once every 5 years.

Information from the census of agriculture is used daily across America in all types of agricultural planning and decision-making. Whether decisions affect farmers at the county, State, or national level, the census is an excellent tool for telling the story of all farmers and ranchers.

The Census of Agriculture is the only source of uniform agricultural data for every county in the United States.

Quick Facts About:
(large PDF files of the printed brochures)

Puerto Rico

Asian Farm & Ranch Operators

Asian Farm & Ranch Operators

Hispanic Farm & Ranch Operators

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Farm & Ranch Operators

Women in Agriculture


Charts and Graphs:

Farms and Ranches: 1974 - 2002

Farms by Size: 1997 and 2002

Distribution of Farms by Economic Class: 2002

Net Cash Farm Income: 2002

Selected Farm Production Expenses: 1997 and 2002

Estimated Value of Land and Buildings: 2002

Farms by North American Industry Classification
 System (NAICS); 2002

Type of Organization: 2002

Age of Principal Operator: 2002

Tenure of Principal Operator: 2002

Primary Occupation of Principal Operator
  - Farming or Other:

Sex of All Operators: 2002

Operators by Ethnicity and Specified Race: 2002

Computer Usage: 2002

Top 3 Counties for Selected Items 

  • Value of Agricultural Products Sold
  • Sweet Corn Acres
  • Berry Acres

Top 3 Counties for Selected Items

  • Value of Poultry and Eggs Sold
  • Meat and Other Goats Inventory
  • Horse and Pony  Inventory



Last modified: 02/08/08

Related Information
2002 Report Forms & Instructions
Report Form Guide
Dates for Ag Census Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
Data Documentation
C-FARE Review of the 2002 Census of Agriculture
Census by State
To view 2002 Census of Agriculture material by state, select a state below.
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