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2002 Census Publications

Census Quick Stats (Ag statistics for U.S., state, and county)

2002 Census of Agriculture Data Documentation

The following links provide important information about 2002 Census of Agriculture data.  Although this information is included in the 2002 Census of Agriculture Volume 1 Publications for the US and each State, it applies to all of the 2002 Census of Agriculture products.

Introduction – Provides a general overview of the census of agriculture, including a brief history, an explanation of the farm definition used to determine the scope of the census, the legal authority granted by congress to conduct the census, and respondent confidentiality.

Also included in the Introduction is a section titled Data Changes and Comparability.  This section details the changes to the report forms and tables form the 1997 Census of Agriculture. 

Appendix A – Provides information about data collection and data processing activities.  It also includes definitions of specific terms and phrases used in census data products

Appendix B – Describes supplemental activities conducted to improve coverage of American Indian and Alaska Native farm operators.  

Appendix C – Discusses the statistical methodology used in conducting and evaluating the census, including nonresponse and coverage adjustment weighting.

Related Information
2002 Report Forms & Instructions
Report Form Guide
Dates for Ag Census Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
Data Documentation
C-FARE Review of the 2002 Census of Agriculture
Census by State
To view 2002 Census of Agriculture material by state, select a state below.
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