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Farm Bill Resources

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Farm Bill Resources: ERS Research and Analysis

The United States supports its agricultural sector through a variety of programs. The primary legal framework for agricultural policy is set through a legislative process that occurs approximately every 5 years. The current farm law (the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008) remains in force through 2012.

ERS analysts examine the economic effects of current farm programs on producers, consumers, taxpayers, and rural communities, and evaluate potential effects of alternative policies and programs. ERS also provides a comparison of new and previous farm bills, provision by key provision. This web page provides a gateway to ERS products related to farm bill programs.

2008 Farm Bill: Side-By-Side Comparison

The 2008 Farm Bill Side-By-Side presents an overview of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 and a side-by-side comparison of previous legislation and the 2008 Act. New features for 2008 include a users' guide, an alphabetical list of key provisions, and search capabilities within the side by side.

Featured Publications

For more related analyses, see 2008 Farm Bill: Background Publications.

Related Briefing Rooms

For more information, see these policy-related briefing rooms:

For more information, contact: Farm policy team

Web administration:

Updated date: August 20, 2008