National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.

Urban Soils

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides nationwide leadership in soil science to meet the needs of  its customers, including those in urban, developing and interface areas. NRCS defines urban as populated areas of various sizes.

An example of the urban survey is the prototype for LaTourette Park on Staten Island, New York. The evaluation of heavy metals in soils appears alongside traditional interpretations for playgrounds and picnic areas.

An example of the urban survey is the prototype for LaTourette Park on Staten Island, New York. The evaluation of heavy metals in soils appears alongside traditional interpretations for playgrounds and picnic areas. (from NRCS urban soils website)

Urban soils are found in watersheds that provide drinking water, food, waste utilization, and natural resources to communities. Urban soils also are located within cities in park areas, recreation areas, community gardens, green belts, lawns, septic absorption fields, sediment basins and other uses.

(will come up with district story through fall inventory if not before, eg Ocean SCD in NJ)

The following website is an excellent source of information:
NRCS Urban Soils at Check out the Urban Soil Primer under Technical Resources. Contact: Joyce Scheyer, Soil Scientist, (402) 437-5698,