These resources are brought to you by the Cooperative Extension System and your Local Institution

Sign in

For example:

Prefer a username and password? Sign-in or register

Do you have an OpenID?
You may already have one because AOL/AIM is an OpenID provider. (If you use AOL, your OpenID looks like this: If you don't already have an OpenID, you can get one for free by going to the Directory of OpenID providers or using MyOpenID or ClaimID.
Are you a Cooperative Extension employee?
If you have signed up for an eXtensionID, you can use your eXtension OpenID ( to sign in. Learn more about your eXtension OpenID.
First time here?
You don't have to remember if you signed in here before or not. Signing in with OpenID will automatically create an account for you if you don't already have one.

Why OpenID?

Tired of setting up a username and password for every new web site you want to use?

OpenID solves this problem by letting you use a single account to sign in to any OpenID-enabled site.

OpenID is non-proprietary and is already supported by AOL with Yahoo on the way.

Start using OpenID and dramatically simplify your web experience.