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Webcasts and Virtual Tours of Vegetative Treatment Systems (VTS)

Last Updated: June 26, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Vegetative Treatment

This webcast discusses the design and management of vegetative treatment systems (VTS) for managing barnyard and open lot runoff. The seminar includes findings from a large collaborative effort to summarize past work on VTS systems. It also includes VTS applications to small and large feeding operations. The presenters are Rick Koelsch and Chris Henry, University of Nebraska, and Lara Moody, Iowa State University. This presentation was originally broadcast on November 16, 2007. More...

Video Segments and Power Point Slides

Click on the links below to view the video segments. If you have difficulties please see our webcast troubleshooting page.

View Entire Presentation (75 minutes)

View Individual Segments:

Continuing Education Units

Certified Crop Advisers (CCA)

One continuing education unit (CEU) is available for Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) in Soil and Water Management. View the entire presentation and take the Quiz.
Note: The CCA program charges a fee to administer CEUs.

American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS)

One CEU is availble to members of American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS). View the entire webcast and contact ARPAS to have the CEU applied to your balance.

Additional Resources, Links and Virtual Tours

Page developed and maintained by: Chris Henry, University of Nebraska Extension

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