Ozark-Ouachita Highlands Assessment Reports Available
Forest Service ShieldUnited States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service

Southern Research StationSouthern Research Station
200 W.T. Weaver Boulevard
Asheville, NC 28804

Date:   April 10, 2000
News Release Contact: Melissa Carlson

Ozark-Ouachita Highlands Assessment Reports Available

Asheville,NC -- The Southern Research Station and cooperating units of the USDA Forest Service have published a series of five reports that synthesize available information concerning social, economic, physical, and biological conditions and trends in the Highlands of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. These reports offer particular emphasis on conditions and trends of relevance to public land management, including the region's three national forests. The reports and supplementary data also will be valuable to anyone interested in how the Highlands area as a whole is changing.

The Ozark-Ouachita Highlands Assessment was completed by a multi-agency team that began work in mid-1996. Citizens participated in many of the team's working meetings. The Summary Report and four main Assessment reports will provide a solid foundation for revising the land and resource management plans of the Ozark-St. Francis, Ouachita, and Mark Twain National Forests. When the forest plan revision process will begin is uncertain but, very likely within the next two years, managers, interested citizens, agencies, and organizations will be able to use the Assessment data to better understand current and changing conditions in and around the national forests and to identify possible needed changes in the forest plans. The Assessment reports themselves are not decision-making documents nor do they replace any existing management plans.

To request the Summary Report or the complete set of five Assessment reports (which includes the Summary Report of 64 pages and the other four reports totaling over 950 pages), contact the Southern Research Station at: Publications, Southern Research Station, P.O. Box 2680, Asheville, NC 28802, or call 828-257-4830. In written correspondence, be sure to indicate whether you want the Summary Report (GTR-SRS-31) or the complete set of five Assessment reports (GTR-SRS-31 through GTR-SRS-35) and include your name and mailing address.

Individuals may also request a Summary Report Summary Report or the complete set of five Assessment reports at the following e-mail address: pubrequest@srs.fs.usda.gov . Again, be sure to indicate whether you want the Summary Report (GTR-SRS-31) or the complete set of five Assessment reports (GTR-SRS-31 through GTR-SRS-35) and include your name and mailing address.

The reports will also be available soon on the following Web site: http://www.fs.fed.us/oonf/ooha/welcome.htm. If you prefer to preview the reports on-line before requesting them or to use the electronic version to secure your own copies, please check this site weekly.

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