The National Agricultural Law Center
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Reading Rooms

Welcome to the National AgLaw Center's library of subject-based Reading Rooms. Each reading room contains a comprehensive list of current electronic resources for an agricultural or food law topic. Links are provided to major statutes, regulations, case law, Federal Register Digest reports, Center-published research articles, government publications, Congressional publications, and numerous other research resources. Also contained in each room is an overview article that provides a thumbnail sketch of the history and development of that subject. Links to the other rooms are provided on the left side of each reading room. Recently added resources are posted at the top of the applicable sections.

Periodic browsing of our Reading Rooms is suggested, as resources are frequently added and/or updated, and work on the construction of new rooms is ongoing.

Index of Reading Rooms

:: Administrative Law

:: Agritourism

:: Alternative Dispute Resolution

:: Animal Feeding Operations

:: Animal Identification

:: Bankruptcy

:: Biosecurity

:: Biotechnology

:: Checkoff Programs

:: Clean Water Act

:: Commercial Transactions

:: Commodity Programs

:: Conservation Programs

:: Cooperatives

:: Country of Origin Labeling

:: Corporate Farming Laws

:: Crop Insurance

:: Environmental Law

:: Estate Planning and Taxation

:: Finance & Credit

:: Food Labeling

:: Food Safety

:: International Law and Organizations

:: International Trade

:: Labor

:: Landowner Liability

:: Local Food Systems

:: Marketing Orders

:: National Organic Program

:: Packers and Stockyards

:: Perishable Agricultural Commodities

:: Pesticides

:: Production Contracts

:: Renewable Energy

:: Secured Transactions

:: Sustainable Agriculture

:: Urbanization and Agriculture

Rooms Under Construction

Renewable Energy
International Food Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Water Law


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