Research, Statistics, & Policy Analysis

Fast Facts & Figures About Social Security, 2008

(released September 2008)

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Questions about the charts should be directed to Angela Y. Harper at 410-966-9541 or For additional copies, please e-mail or call 202-358-6274.


Fast Facts & Figures answers the most frequently asked questions about the programs SSA administers. It highlights basic program data for the Social Security (retirement, survivors, and disability) and Supplemental Security Income programs. Most of the data come from the Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin, which contains 250 detailed tables. The information on the income of the aged is from the data series Income of the Population 55 or Older. Data on trust fund operations are from the 2008 Trustees Report.

The tables and charts illustrate the range of program beneficiaries, from the country's oldest to its youngest citizens. In all, about 55 million people receive some type of benefit or assistance.

Judi Papas prepared this chartbook. Staff of the Division of Information Resources edited the chartbook and prepared the print and Web versions for publication.

Manuel de la Puente
Associate Commissioner for Research, Evaluation, and Statistics
September 2008

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