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Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services

Air Quality Awareness

National Air Quality Week: April 27-May 1, 2009

NOAA's National Weather Service and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are urging Americans to "Be Air Aware" through its air quality awareness days: See state and local Air Quality Awareness Week activities.

Monday: Ozone and Particle Pollution
  • What is Air Pollution?
  • What is Ozone?
  • What is Particle Pollution?
  • Tuesday: What Causes Poor Air Quality
  • What Affects my Air Quality?
  • It All Adds Up To Cleaner Air - spring quiz
  • Wednesday: Keeping Your Lungs and Heart Safe
  • Keeping Your Lungs and Heart Safe:
        Use the Air Quality Index to Protect Against Poor Air Quality
  • Forecast Earth "Air Aware" Video
  • Asthma Awareness Month
  • Thursday: What are Air Quality Forecasts?
  • How are Air Quality Forecasts Made and How do They Help?
  • Check Your Local Forecast and Current Conditions
  • Check the Map of State/Local Air Quality Forecasts
  • Check the Air Quality Forecast Guidance
  • Friday: What Can You Do to Help Make the Air Cleaner?
  • What Can You Do to Help Make the Air Cleaner?
  • National Bike and Walk to Work Day
  • National Rideshare Directory
  • Forecasts


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    Last Updated: February 11, 2009