United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Published Soil Surveys for Montana

Soil surveys are being completed and published on a continuing schedule.  As time passes, the data in published surveys become dated. The official information about the soils in a given area is available from the Soil Data Mart, which provides the most current data about the soils. If spatial data are available, the Web Soil Survey also provides access to the most current information. In the “Date” column, the word “current” is used for those surveys having both tabular and spatial data in the Soil Data Mart. “Archived PDF online” refers to any surveys published as PDF files on the Web, including new surveys as well as old ones dating back to 1899.

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Follow these instructions to download both text and maps.
How to Save an Archived Soil Survey Publication to Your Local Machine (PDF; 2.8 MB) 

For information about areas not included on the following list of soil survey publications or for ordering or obtaining information about reference copies (CD-ROM or paper copy), contact:

State Conservationist
Federal Building, Room 443
10 East Babcock Street
Bozeman, MT 59715-4704
Phone: 406-587-6811
FAX: 406-587-6761


Soil survey name (Follow links for online surveys.) Date Paper copy available CD-ROM Archived PDF online Web Soil Survey (generated from official soil data)
Beaverhead National Forest Area 2008 No No Yes No
Beaverhead National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Big Hole Area--Part of Beaverhead County 2007 No Yes Yes No
Big Hole Area--Part of Beaverhead County Current No No No Yes
Big Horn County Area 1977 Yes No No No
Big Horn County Area Current No No No Yes
Big Horn Valley Area 1945 No No No No
Billings Area 1902 No No No No
Bitterroot National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Bitterroot Valley Area 1917 No No No No
Bitterroot Valley Area 1959 No No No No
Bitterroot Valley Area Current No No No Yes
Blaine County 1930 No No No No
Blaine County and Part of Phillips County Area 1986 Yes No No No
Blaine County and Part of Phillips County Area Current No No No Yes
Broadwater County 1944 No No No No
Broadwater County Area 1977 Yes No No No
Broadwater County Area Current No No No Yes
Carbon County Area 1975 Yes No No No
Carbon County Area Current No No No Yes
Carter County 2003 Yes Yes Yes No
Carter County Current No No No Yes
Cascade County 1937 No No No No
Cascade County Area 1982 Yes No No No
Cascade County Area Current No No No Yes
Central Montana, Reconnaissance 1953 No No No No
Choteau-Conrad Area; Parts of Teton and Pondera Counties 2003 Yes Yes Yes No
Choteau-Conrad Area; Parts of Teton and Pondera Counties Current No No No Yes
Chouteau County 1931 No No No No
Chouteau County Area 2003 Yes No No No
Chouteau County Area Current No No No Yes
Custer County 1953 No No No No
Custer County Area 2003 Yes No No No
Custer County Area Current No No No Yes
Daniels County 1925 No No No No
Dawson County 1976 No No No No
Dawson County Current No No No Yes
Deer Lodge County Area 2005 No Yes Yes No
Deer Lodge County Area Current No No No Yes
Deer Lodge National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Dillon Area -- Part of Beaverhead County 2006 No No Yes No
Dillon Area -- Part of Beaverhead County Current No No No Yes
Fallon County 2003 Yes Yes Yes No
Fallon County Current No No No Yes
Fergus County 1938 No No No No
Fergus County 1988 Yes No No No
Fergus County Current No No No Yes
Flathead County Area and Part of Lincoln County Current No No No Yes
Flathead National Forest Area 1998 Yes No No No
Flathead National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Flathead Valley Area, Lower 1929 No No No No
Flathead Valley Area, Upper 1960 No No No No
Flathead Valley Area, Upper Current No No No Yes
Gallatin County Area 2002 Yes Yes Yes No
Gallatin County Area Current No No No Yes
Gallatin National Forest Area 1996 Yes No No No
Gallatin National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Gallatin Valley 1906 1905 No No No No
Gallatin Valley Area 1931 No No No No
Garfield County 2007 No No Yes No
Garfield County Current No No No Yes
Glacier County 1933 No No No No
Glacier County Area and Part of Pondera County 1980 Yes No No No
Glacier County Area and Part of Pondera County Current No No No Yes
Golden Valley County 1942 No No No No
Golden Valley County Area Current No No No Yes
Granite County Area 2003 Yes Yes Yes No
Granite County Area Current No No No Yes
Helena National Forest Area 2001 Yes Yes Yes No
Helena National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Hill County 1931 No No No No
Hill County 2003 Yes No No No
Hill County Current No No No Yes
Horse Prairie - South Valley Area - Part of Beaverhead County Current No No No Yes
Jefferson County Area and Part of Silver Bow County 2003 No Yes Yes No
Jefferson County Area and Part of Silver Bow County Current No No No Yes
Judith Basin Area 1967 No No No No
Judith Basin Area Current No No No Yes
Judith Basin County 1937 No No No No
Kootenai National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Kootenai National Forest Area, Montana and Idaho 1995 Yes No No No
Lake County Area 1998 Yes No No No
Lake County Area Current No No No Yes
Lewis and Clark County 1947 No No No No
Lewis and Clark County Area 2003 Yes Yes Yes No
Lewis and Clark County Area Current No No No Yes
Liberty County 2002 Yes No No No
Liberty County Current No No No Yes
Lolo National Forest Area Current No No No Yes
Madison County Area 1989 Yes No No No
Madison County Area Current No No No Yes
McCone County 1984 Yes No No No
McCone County Current No No No Yes
Meagher County 1944 No No No No
Meagher County Area Current No No No Yes
Milk River Area 1928 No No No No
Missoula County Area 1995 Yes No No No
Missoula County Area Current No No No Yes
Musselshell County 2004 Yes No No No
Musselshell County Current No No No Yes
Musselshell Valley Area, Upper 1943 No No No No
Northern Plains of Montana, Reconnaissance 1929 No No No No
Park County Area Current No No No Yes
Petroleum County 1993 Yes No No No
Petroleum County Current No No No Yes
Phillips County 1926 No No No No
Phillips County Area 2004 Yes No No No
Phillips County Area Current No No No Yes
Pondera County 1934 No No No No
Powder River Area 1971 Yes No No No
Powder River Area Current No No No Yes
Powell County Area 2003 Yes Yes Yes No
Powell County Area Current No No No Yes
Prairie County 1996 Yes No No No
Prairie County Current No No No Yes
Richland County 1980 Yes No No No
Richland County Current No No No Yes
Roosevelt and Daniels Counties 1985 Yes No No No
Roosevelt and Daniels Counties Current No No No Yes
Roosevelt County 1925 No No No No
Rosebud County Area and Part of Big Horn County 1996 Yes No No No
Rosebud County Area and Part of Big Horn County Current No No No Yes
Sanders and Parts of Lincoln and Flathead Counties 2003 Yes Yes Yes No
Sanders and Parts of Lincoln and Flathead Counties Current No No No Yes
Sheridan County 1923 No No No No
Sheridan County 1977 Yes No No No
Sheridan County Current No No No Yes
Silver Bow County Area and Parts of Beaverhead and Jefferson Counties Current No No No Yes
Stillwater Area 1980 Yes No No No
Stillwater Area Current No No No Yes
Sun River Irrigation Project 1927 No No No No
Sweet Grass County 1956 No No No No
Sweet Grass County Area 2004 Yes Yes Yes No
Sweet Grass County Area Current No No No Yes
Toole and Liberty Counties 1933 No No No No
Toole County 2002 Yes No No No
Toole County Current No No No Yes
Treasure County 1967 No No No No
Treasure County Current No No No Yes
Valier Irrigation Project 1928 No No No No
Valley County 1926 No No No No
Valley County 1984 Yes No No No
Valley County Current No No No Yes
Wheatland County 1943 No No No No
Wheatland County Area Current No No No Yes
Wibaux County 1958 No No No No
Wibaux County Current No No No Yes
Yellowstone County 1972 Yes No No No
Yellowstone County Current No No No Yes
Yellowstone Valley Area, Lower 1939 No No No No
Yellowstone Valley Area, Middle 1940 No No No No