United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Published Soil Surveys for Maine

Soil surveys are being completed and published on a continuing schedule.  As time passes, the data in published surveys become dated. The official information about the soils in a given area is available from the Soil Data Mart, which provides the most current data about the soils. If spatial data are available, the Web Soil Survey also provides access to the most current information. In the “Date” column, the word “current” is used for those surveys having both tabular and spatial data in the Soil Data Mart. “Archived PDF online” refers to any surveys published as PDF files on the Web, including new surveys as well as old ones dating back to 1899.

PDF files require Acrobat Reader.
Follow these instructions to download both text and maps.
How to Save an Archived Soil Survey Publication to Your Local Machine (PDF; 2.8 MB) 

For information about areas not included on the following list of soil survey publications or for ordering or obtaining information about reference copies (CD-ROM or paper copy), contact:

State Conservationist
Suite #3
967 Illinois Avenue
Bangor, ME 04401
Phone: 207-990-9100 ext 3
FAX: 207-990-9599

Soil survey name (Follow links for online surveys.) Date Paper copy available CD-ROM Archived PDF online Web Soil Survey (generated from official soil data)
Androscoggin and Sagadahoc Counties 1970 Yes Yes Yes No
Androscoggin and Sagadahoc Counties Current No No No Yes
Aroostook County 1917 No No No No
Aroostook County, Northeastern Part 1964 Yes Yes No No
Aroostook County, Northeastern Part Current No No No Yes
Aroostook County, Southern Part 1964 Yes Yes No No
Aroostook County, Southern Part Current No No No Yes
Caribou Area 1908 No No No No
Cumberland and Part of Oxford Counties Current No No No Yes
Cumberland County 1915 No No No No
Cumberland County 1974 Yes Yes No No
Franklin Area and Part of Somerset Counties 2003 No Yes Yes No
Franklin Area and Part of Somerset Counties Current No No No Yes
Hancock County Area 1998 Yes Yes Yes No
Hancock County Area Current No No No Yes
Kennebec County 1978 Yes Yes No No
Kennebec County Current No No No Yes
Knox and Lincoln Counties 1987 Yes No Yes No
Knox and Lincoln Counties Current No No No Yes
Northern Hancock and Western Washington County Area Current No No No Yes
Orono Area 1909 No No No No
Oxford County Area 1995 Yes No Yes No
Oxford County Area Current No No No Yes
Penobscot County 1963 No Yes No No
Penobscot County Current No No No Yes
Piscataquis County 2005 No Yes Yes No
Piscataquis County, Southern Part Current No No No Yes
Somerset Area and Parts of Franklin and Oxford Counties Current No No No Yes
Somerset County (Parts) 2003 Yes No No No
Somerset County, Southern Part 1972 No Yes Yes No
Somerset County, Southern Part Current No No No Yes
Waldo County 1955 No No No No
Waldo County 1984 Yes No Yes No
Waldo County Current No No No Yes
Washington County Area 2008 No No Yes No
Washington County Area Current No No No Yes
York County 1952 No No No No
York County 1982 Yes No Yes No
York County Current No No No Yes