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2008 Level I Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Awarded Nominations

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Level I awards are for those who have accomplished an exceptionally high-quality research or technological effort. The awards recognize the creation or general revision of scientific or technological principle or procedure, or a highly significant improvement in the value of a device, activity, program, or service to the public. Awarded research is of national significance or has high impact on a broad area of science/technology. The research has far reaching consequences and is recognizable as a major scientific/technological achievement within its discipline or field of study.

Scientist at microscope  Students participating in science open house  Plant research  Field sampling  Laboratory research

Nominations Recommended for a Level I Award ($10,000) -- Total of Five
Nom. # Titles and Citations of Submitted Paper Eligible Authors* and Nominating Organization Ineligible Authors and Organization Citation
S08ER0017 Tissue distribution and metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in embryonic and larval medaka ("Oryzias latipes")
Toxicological Sciences, 100(2):393-405 (2007)
Michael W. Hornung
John W. Nichols
Philip M. Cook
Patrick N. Fitzsimmons
Douglas W. Kuehl

NHEERL, Duluth, MN
Research to Understand the Metabolism and Tissue Distribution of Toxic Chemicals in Fish Early Life Stages
S08ER0021 A Proteomic (SELDI-TOF-MS) Approach to Estrogen Agonist Screening
Toxicological Sciences, 95(1):74-81 (2006)
Calvin C. Walker - (currently National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration)
Michael J. Hemmer
Kimberly A. Salinas
Peggy S. Harris
Sherry S. Vickery

NHEERL, Gulf Breeze, FL
James D. Watts
Pioneering Work Developing and Applying a Rapid Technique to Classify Chemicals by Their Toxic Action
S08HE0037 (1) Effects of perfluorooctanoic acid exposure during pregnancy in the mouse
Toxicological Sciences, 90(2):510-518 (2006)
(2) Developmental toxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) after cross foster and restricted gestational exposure
Toxicological Sciences, 95(2):462-473 (2007)
(3) Gene expression profiling in the lung and liver of PFOA-exposed mouse fetuses
Toxicology, 239(1-2):15-33 (2007)
Christopher Lau
Barbara D. Abbott
Mitch Rosen
Cynthia J. Wolf
Kaberi Das
Suzanne E. Fenton

NHEERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
X.A. Bryant - Centers for Disease Control
A.M. Calafat - Centers for Disease Control
R.G. Hanson
A.B. Lindstrom
M.G. Narotsky
J.M. Rogers
J.E. Schmid
M.J. Strynar
J.R. Thibodeaux - University of North Carolina
S.S. White
C.R. Wood
R.D. Zehr
Z. Kulenyik - Centers for Disease Control
A Team Contribution to the Understanding of Early-Life Health Effects Following Perinatal Exposure to PFOA in Mice
S08HE0040 (1) Exposures of preschool children to chlorpyrifos and its degradation product 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol in their everyday environments
Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 15(4):297-309 (2005)
(2) An observational study of 127 preschool children at their homes and daycare centers in Ohio: environmental pathways to cis- and trans-permethrin exposure
Environmental Research, 104(2):256-274 (2007)
(3) Adult and children's exposure to 2,4-D from multiple sources and pathways
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, : (2007)
Marsha K. Morgan
Linda S. Sheldon
Carry Croghan
Paul A. Jones
Kent W. Thomas
Peter P. Egeghy
Gary L. Roberson

NERL, Research Triangle Park, NC
Nancy K. Wilson - Battelle
Jane C. Chuang - Battelle
Christopher Lyu - Battelle
Identifying Important Sources, Pathways, and Routes of Children's Exposures to Pesticides in Their Environments
S08IR0136 (1) Mercury Exposure from Domestic and Imported Estuarine and Marine Fish in the U.S. Seafood Market
Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(2):235-242 (2007)
(2) Human Impacts on Open Ocean Mercury Concentrations
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21(GB4022): (2007)
Elsie Sunderland

OSP, Washington, DC
Robert P. Mason - University of Connecticut Development of Models Linking Mercury Emission Reductions and Concentrations in Marine Systems to Human Exposure
Key to Acronyms used in the above Table
OA Office of the Administrator
NERL National Exposure Research Laboratory
NHEERL National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory
NRMRL National Risk Management Research Laboratory
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OPP Office of Pesticide Programs
ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
ORCR Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery
OSCP Office of Science Coordination and Policy
*Note: The percentages given after name represent the current percent of the total level of effort as documented in the EPA nomination. 

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