Cooperative Extension



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Research & Publications

For more information about this area, please contact:

Russ Tronstad
Extension Economist

Phone: (520) 621-2425



[Image: Cotton]Cotton Marketing and Management


Cotton Market Information

Economics of Bt Cotton

Federal Policy and Arizona Cotton

Arizona Cotton Information Site

Daily 7 Regional Market Summaries, USDA AMS

Weekly Summaries, USDA AMS

Desert Southwest Cotton Prices

All Cotton Market News Reports, USDA AMS




Cotton Newsletters

Note: These publications require Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.

2004 Cotton Management Economic Notes

Volume 11, No. 1 Farming Your Net Price Received

2002 Cotton Management Economic Notes

Volume 10, No. 2 Use CRC as a Price Risk Tool for Grassley/Dorgan? (2/19/02)
Volume 10, No. 1 Arizona Farm Policy Preferences. (1/7/02)

2000-2001 Cotton Management Economic Notes

Volume 9, No. 2 Agronomics vs. Markets: Irrigation Termination. (8/14/01)
Volume 9, No. 1 New Legislation = Larger Crop Insurance Subsidies. (2/9/01)
Volume 8, No. 1 Crop Insurance Rate Adjustments for Cotton. (2/14/00)

1996-1999 Cotton Management Economic Notes

Volume 7, No. 4 New Federal Subsidies for Arizona Cotton. (10/18/99)
Volume 7, No. 3 High MIKE Discounts and Irrigation Termination? (8/23/99)
Volume 7, No. 2 Where is the Value Added in Agriculture? (6/16/99)
Volume 7, No. 1 Crop Insurance: Your Most Profitable Input? (2/10/99)
Volume 6, No. 1 Updated Irrigation Termination. (8/12/97)
Volume 5, No. 4 Is AZ Selling Itself Short on Crop Insurance? (11/7/96)
Volume 5, No. 3 Economics of Irrigation Termination. (8/16/96)
Volume 5, No. 2 World Stocks Increase and the New Farm Bill Environment. (6/17/96)
Volume 5, No. 1 New Farm Legislation: An Early Assessment.(4/1/96)

1995 Cotton Management Economic Notes

Volume 4, No. 6 The World Wide Web and Cotton. (10/10/95)
Volume 4, No. 5 August Supply and Demand Estimates: Another Record Production. (7/14/95)
Volume 4, No. 4 Cotton on the Information SuperHighway. (5/31/95)
Volume 4, No. 3 Time or Past-Time to Put in a Price Floor? (4/7/95)
Volume 4, No. 2 Early Cotton = Bigger Carrot for 95. (4/7/95)
Volume 4, No. 1 Crop Insurance Reform: CAT Coverage Implications and 28 February Deadline. (2/17/95)

1994 Cotton Management Economic Notes

Volume 3, No. 9 Cotton Price Seasonality: Cash versus Futures Markets. (10/13/94)
Volume 3, No. 8 Record US Production Estimate and Global Market Conditions. (9/14/94)
Volume 3, No. 7 The Economics of Production Costs, Harvest and Ginning Costs, Yield, and Quality Factors to the Termination Decision. (8/15/94)
Volume 3, No. 6 Arizona's Farm Commodity Program Preferences and Implications. (7/21/94)
Volume 3, No. 5 Implications of the Uruguay Agreement for Upland. (6/23/94)
Volume 3, No. 4 Where Does the Money Go? - Cost of Production Changes for 1992 vs. 1994. (6/3/94)
Volume 3, No. 3 Developing a Market Plan: Comparison of Forward Pricing, Cash, Bull and Bear Spreads. (5/9/94)
Volume 3, No. 2 Planting Intentions and World Supply and Demand Factors for 1994. (4/13/94)
Volume 3, No. 1 Participation versus Non-Participation for the 1994 Farm Program; Upland and Pima. (3/23/94)

1993 Cotton Management Economic Notes

Volume 2, No. 11 New USDA Cotton Price Reporting and Costs of Production Assessment. (9/7/93)
Volume 2, No. 10 August Crop Report, Reliability of USDA Crop Forecasts. (8/23/93)
Volume 2, No. 9 Termination Decisions and Economics. (8/9/93)
Volume 2, No. 8 Government Payments or the Lottery: Price Risk and Options. (7/26/93)
Volume 2, No. 7 Cotton or the Lottery: Arizona and Cotton Risks. (7/12/93)
Volume 2, No. 6 What's a Loss Anyway? (6/20/93)
Volume 2, No. 5 Four P's of a Marketing Mix and Implications for Cotton. (6/14/93)
Volume 2, No. 4 Costs of Production - Supply and Demand Estimates. (5/31/93)
Volume 2, No. 3 Regional Price Differentials: AZ, San Joaquin Valley and December Futures Comparison. (5/17/93)
Volume 2, No. 2 Production Decisions & Competitiveness, Short Futures and Option Hedging Tax Precautions. (5/3/93)
Volume 2, No. 1 1993 Cotton Plantings & Quality Related to Classing Date. (4/19/93)

1992 Cotton Management Economics Notes

Volume 1, No. 11 1992 Cotton Review and Call Option Harvest Strategy. (12/31/92)
Volume 1, No. 10 Tax Considerations when Marketing. (11/16/92)
Volume 1, No. 9 Late Season Marketing and After Harvest Costs. (9/14/92)
Volume 1, No. 8 Harvest Economics and Marketing. (8/24/92)
Volume 1, No. 7 Pros and Cons of Marketing Methods. (8/10/92)
Volume 1, No. 6 1992-93 Initial Supply Estimates and Checking Costs. (7/27/92)
Volume 1, No. 5 Production Costs and Options Versus Futures for Hedging. (7/13/92)
Volume 1, No. 4 Management for Profit Maximization and What Marketing Tools Should a Cotton Producer Utilize. (6/29/92)
Volume 1, No. 3 Basis Considerations When Marketing Cotton and Cost Issues of Insect Control. (6/15/92)
Volume 1, No. 2 Marketing and Economic Issues Related to Nitrogen Application. (6/1/92)
Volume 1, No. 1 1992 Crop Conditions: Market and Management Notes. (5/18/92)

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Last updated February 16, 2004
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