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I remember this so well from my Hell’s Kitchen apartment back when I lived in New York City! Because of the steam heat radiator, it had two temperatures: hot or freezing.

A mechanical air exchanger wou…

These days, we’re all feeling more pain at the pump. Even before summer began in 2008, we’d already seen new records for the price of oil (a few cents short of $140 a barrel) and the price of gas (nat…

Joe, you can hang yards of clothes on these all-wooden clothes racks from Lehman’s. Another good source for large wooden clothes racks is Real Goods.

James A. Duke’s book The Green Pharmacy is a well-regarded and long-standing guide to using herbs for health. The book has been in print for more than 10 years, and is available online and in bookstor…

Beavers, like humans, alter their habitat to suit their needs. Unlike most human landscape alterations, however, the changes beavers make support ducks, wading birds, amphibians, fish and numerous oth…

Well, it's too late this year for you to get some types of potatoes in the ground, but it's definitely not too late to start thinking about a great fall crop of tasty tubers. Lucky for you, in …

My favorite sweet potato is ‘Red Wine Velvet’ of the orange varieties, ‘Brazil White’ of the white-fleshed varieties, and ‘Camote Morada’ (a Nicaraguan variety) of the purple-fleshed sweet potatoes. I…

Hi Jim,

Yes, there is a type of pump that does just what you’re describing, in fact there’s more than one. It sounds too good to be true, but you really can use water power to pump water.

Since you spec…

Hawks are a tough problem. We lose a few chickens a year to them. I think cover — bushes, picnic tables, shade arbors — really helps the chickens out. I have open fields around my home, and I can go o…