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A properly managed privy is at least as healthful for people and the land as a septic system, and is far more than a place to evacuate waste.
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Where can I find 100-percent wooden folding clothes dryer racks?
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How can I get rid of ground wasps without pesticides?
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How long will cedar fence posts last?
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Do you know where I can purchase cloth diapers and glass baby bottles?
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What is the best free mulch for my gardens for weed control?
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This 476-page book is a compendium of treasured knowledge from hundreds of small booklets published as "Country Wisdom Bulletins" in the 1970s. Whether you want to build a stone fence, make strawberry-rhubarb jam or plant an herb garden, this book will show you how.


No home, whether in the country, the city, or somewhere in between, should be without this one-of-a-kind 928-page encyclopedia. For more than 30 years, people have relied on Carla Emery's practical, step-by-step advice on basic self-sufficiency skills such as how to cultivate a garden, buy land, bake bread, raise farm animals, make sausage, milk a goat, grow herbs, churn butter, build a chicken coop, cook on a wood stove, and much, much more.

This updated 10th edition includes expand…

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