New Web Site Offers Hybrid Resources

The experts at UCS offer an excellent resource to learn more about hybrid cars and their fuel-saving technologies.
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Looking for the perfect hybrid vehicle for your family? A wealth of information about hybrid cars is now just a click away.


The nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) launched a new Web site,, that offers comprehensive information on hybrid automobiles. The site allows visitors to respond to questions about personal driving habits, car ownership history and location. It then produces information about car-owner compatibility and car-to-car comparisons, along with many more tips and services, free of charge.

The site has several features to help consumers learn more about this new technology. On “Hybridblog,” UCS monitors and evaluates all the breaking news on the hybrid and clean vehicle market. Watchdog articles give timely advice about hybrids.

HybridActions allows visitors to pitch in to help shape the future of the hybrid market. UCS will add new hybrid vehicles to the consumer center and will post a hybrid scorecard for a more thorough comparison of hybrid models. “We will also continue to expose ‘hollow hybrid’ models that are marketed as hybrids but fail to use the technology and do not provide meaningful fuel economy savings,” says Scott Nathanson, national field organizer for UCS.

Hybrids earn their name because they use a combination of two power sources, typically gasoline and electric. According to UCS, more than 200,000 hybrid vehicles have been sold in the United States since 1999. Six models are currently available, but the industry anticipates the release of a dozen more over the next three years.


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