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USGS Surface Water Information

Office of
Surface Water

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   Streamflow Info (NSIP)
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   Global Change Hydrology
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   Instrumentation (HIF)

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Need more information about surface water? Contact the USGS Office of Surface Water at (703)648-5301.

Surface-Water Related Factsheets


FS-2008-3131 WaterWatch—Maps, Graphs, and Tables of Current, Recent, and Past Streamflow Conditions


FS-2007-3043 From the River to You: USGS Real-Time Streamflow Information
FS-2007-3080 Recent Improvements to the U.S. Geological Survey Streamgaging Program ...from the National Streamflow Information Program


FS-2006-3095 1976 Big Thompson Flood, Colorado--Thirty Years Later


FS-2005-3131 U.S. Geological Survey Streamgaging ... from the National Streamgaging Information Program
FS-2005-3020 Trends in the Water Budget of the Mississippi River Basin, 1949-1997 ... from the National Streamflow Information Program
FS-2005-3019 Changes in Streamflow Timing in New England During the 20th Century ... from the National Streamflow Information Program
FS-2005-3018 Changes in Streamflow Timing in the Western United States in Recent Decades ... from the National Streamflow Information Program
FS-2005-3017 Streamflow Trends in the United States ... from the National Streamflow Information Program


FS-2004-3115 StreamStats: A U.S. Geological Survey Web Application for Stream Information
FS-2004-3142 Distinguishing between Debris Flows and Floods from Field Evidence in Small Watersheds (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)
FS-2004-3068 Cooperative Water Program--A Partnership in the Nation's Water-Resources Program (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)


FS-019-03 The 1903 and 1993 Floods in Kansas--The Effects of Changing Times and Technology (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)
FS-076-03 Effects of Urban Development on Floods


FS-052-02 WaterWatch--Maps and Graphs of Current Water Resources Conditions (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)
FS-084-02 Using the National Flood Frequency Program, Version 3: A Computer Program for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Ungaged Sites
FS-128-02 NWISWeb: New Site for the Nation's Water Data


FS-048-01 National Streamflow Information Program--Implementation Plan and Progress Report
Information Sheet Streamgages--Measuring the Pulse of our Nation's Rivers (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)
NSIP Frequently Asked Questions National Streamflow Information Program--Questions and Answers
FS-128-01 Cooperative Water Program--A Partnership in the Nation's Water-Resources Program (Updated version above.) (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)


FS-024-00 Significant Floods in the United States During the 20th Century--USGS Measures a Century of Floods (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)
FS-147-00 Modeling Water Quality in Rivers using the Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM)


FS-006-97 Streamflow Information for the Nation (OSW has a limited amount of hard copies of this FS.)


FS-244-96 Rapid-Estimation Method for Assessing Scour at Highway Bridges on Limited Site Data (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)


FS-209-95 Stream Gaging and Flood Forecasting: A Partnership of the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Weather Service (OSW does not have hard copies of this FS, please print from the pdf.)
FS-059-95 USGS Water--Managing a National Resource (OSW has a limited amount of hard copies of this FS.)
FS-066-95 USGS An Overview of the Stream-Gaging Program (OSW has a limited amount of hard copies of this FS.)

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