National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.

Collaborative Conservation Award

Summary:  The Collaborative Conservation Award recognizes conservation districts that exemplify innovative, collaborative conservation efforts by drawing upon various partnerships (traditional and non-traditional), utilizing diverse funding sources and/or conducting a wide range of projects to address their community’s conservation resource needs.

Priority consideration will be given to districts that demonstrate effective development and expansion of non-traditional partnerships to include local and regional Community-Based Organizations representing the diversity of the service area.

Eligibility: All conservation districts are eligible to receive this award.

Selection:  Seven regional winners will be selected by region leadership. A national winner will be selected from the regional winners by the NACD Awards Committee and a representative from NRCS, NASCA, NCDEA and NRC&DC.

Number Awarded:  7 regional winners, 1 national winner.

Award:  The national winner will be honored at the Annual Meeting in New Orleans in February. They will receive on single day complimentary registration to the meeting and a plaque.  They will also be recognized in NACD Publications and on the website.

Nomination Deadline:  September 23, 2008

To nominate a district, fill out the nomination form and click "Submit" at the bottom of the form. You can also email the form as an attachment to or print the form and fax it to (317) 782-0606.

Click here to download the Collaborative Conservation Award nomination form (PDF)

Contact Beth Mason at (317) 782-0600 or with questions or for more information.