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Trade Policy: Resources Roundup

ERS conducts a broad program of research on agricultural trade liberalization and on U.S. agricultural and trade policies. Our website contains background information on the World Trade Organization (WTO) and U.S. agricultural policy, as well as data on U.S. program expenditures and on trade policy commitments of the United States and other WTO member countries.
World Trade Organization

ERS Reports

Agricultural Trade Preferences and the Developing Countries

Market Access for High-Value Foods

Profiles of Tariffs in Global Agricultural Markets

The Forces Shaping World Cotton Consumption After the Multifiber Arrangement

The Road Ahead: Agricultural Policy Reform in the WTO –The Road Ahead

Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform

Data Products

WTO Agricultural Trade Policy Commitments Database. Contains data on implementation of trade policy commitments by WTO member countries: on levels of domestic support, export subsidies, and tariffs. Offers various options for viewing and downloading data and comparing across countries.

Agricultural Market Access Database. Provides data and information on WTO member countries regarding their tariff schedules, tariff bindings, applied tariff rates, import quantities, notifications to the WTO on trade policy commitments, and other data for analyzing market access issues.

Online Briefing Room

WTO. Information, data, analysis, and background on key agricultural trade issues that emerged in the Uruguay Round of negotiations and in the current round, including market access, government subsidies, and the concerns of developing countries.

Agricultural Policies: U.S. and Major Negotiating Partners

ERS reports

The 2002 Farm Act: Provisions and Implications for Commodity Markets

Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production

Recent Agricultural Policy Reforms in North America

European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform

Is Japan Ready for Competition in Its Ag Markets?

The Elephant Is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India

China's New Farm Subsidies

Data Products

CCC Net Outlays by Commodity and Function. Provides total Commodity Credit Corporation expenditures on farm programs by commodity (table 35, in Excel or pdf).

Map imageFarm Program Acres. allows downloading and mapping of national, State, and county-level farm program and planted acreage data for nine major program crops (corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, cotton, peanuts, and oilseeds).

Online Briefing Rooms

Farm and Commodity Policy: Program Provisions. Describes the basic features of the primary farm and commodity programs, including agriculture-related trade and conservation programs.

Farm and Commodity Policy: WTO Notifications. Provides an explanation of U.S. commitments to the WTO on limiting the level of domestic support to the agriculture sector. Links to summary and commodity-specific data on U.S. domestic support ceilings and notifications to the WTO.

Farm and Commodity Policy: Government Payments and the Farm Sector. Provides an overview of all types of government payments, including data on distribution of payments by region, farm size and type, and commodities produced. Contains summary data on U.S. domestic support notifications to WTO from 1995 through 2001.

Glossary of Trade Terms

ERS Subject Specialists

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For more information, contact: Mary Reardon

Web administration:

Updated date: March 7, 2006