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United States Small Business Administration.
"The official business link to the U.S. Government."
Three Women Around a ComputerWomen Entrepreneurs: Your One Stop Shop for Resources
U.S. Department of Labor. Small Business Administration.
"This website offers you key resources, targeted information, registration for online programs, and networking opportunities to help you and your business reach their maximum potential."
An adaptive kitchen Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship
DOL. Office of Disability Employment Policy.
"Self-employment and small business are important avenues for people with disabilities to secure employment."
Three Women Around a ComputerInformation for Small Businesses
United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Provides a guide to help you understand how to raise capital and comply with the federal securities laws and other small business information.
Small Business Administration logoLocal Business Resources From SBA
U.S. Small Business Administration.
"Find counseling, training and business development specialists providing free and low-cost services in your area."
Page from a dictionary showing the definition of Microenterprise Information for Rural Areas
Association for Enterprise Opportunity.
"Microenterprise development organizations operating in the United States exist to support disadvantaged entrepreneurs as they start or expand their businesses."
Items made from SoyRural Cooperatives Magazine
USDA. Rural Development.
Publishes bimonthly rural business information and resources.
A Teacher Instructs Her Student One-on-OneSCORE: Counselors to America's Small Business
Service Corps of Retired Executives Association.
"SCORE "Counselors to America's Small Business" is America's premier source of free and confidential small business advice for entrepreneurs."
ComputerSmall Business Planner
United States Small Business Administration.
"The Small Business Planner includes information and resources that will help you at any stage of the business lifecycle."
Computer screen showing a bar graphStatistics of U.S. Businesses
DOC. United States Census Bureau.
"Organizations use our data in a variety of ways. Corporations use our geographic data to identify new and existing markets in which to sell their products."
Patent Office logoUnited States Patent and Trademark Office
DOC. United States Patent and Trademark Office.
This agency's basic role is to "promote the progress of science and the useful arts by securing for limited times to inventors the exclusive right to their respective discoveries (Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution)."

Last Modified: Aug 22, 2008  
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