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Fire Program Analysis

Welcome to the information site for the Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System.

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TechNews is a guide to share and gather technical information relative to Fire Program Analysis (FPA) quickly.

Until the FPA system is completed, the information and requests in the TechNews are intended to help fire planning units (FPUs) prepare for implementation.

  • TechNews - 2/24/2009
    • FTEs in Preparedness, Prevention and Fuels
    • How to calculate acres when building fuels treatments
    • Building the .Current Prevention Program
    • Pump and Roll Production Rates in the Initial Response Simulator
    • Ignitions in Non-burnable Fuel Models
  • TechNews - 2/9/2009
    • Summarizes enhancements and software changes for the FPA Version 2.05 release
  • TechNews - 1/16/2009
    • A list to help guide FPUs in the tasks they can accomplish prior to the February system enhancement.
  • Revised - TechNews - 1/07/2009
    • How the Initial Response Simulation (IRS) Module uses a fire fire resources' Resource ID
    • Incorrect Data in Input reports Defect
    • Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) and Cost Data in Preparedness Options Defect
    • Delays and Borrowed Resources
  • TechNews - Revised 12/19/2008
    • IRS Defect
    • Functionality changes
    • Validation
    • FPA Calculation of Burn Index
  • TechNews - 11/24/2008
    • Fire Behavior Fuel Model Adjustments to fuel models 122 and 102
  • TechNews - August 15, 2008
    • Updated direction for developing Fuel Prescriptions and Fuel Treatments for FPA.
  • TechNews - Revised February 26, 2008
    • Workload timeline to prepare for FPA implementation - replaces November 6 TechNews (pdf)
  • TechNews - November 6, 2007
    • Suggestions that FPUs can begin doing to prepare for FPA - revised by January 22 TechNews (pdf)
  • TechNews - May 9, 2007 (pdf)
    • Information status request
    • New FPA capability
  • TechNews - February 28, 2007 (pdf)
    • Historic fire occurrence data standards to support FPA
    • Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS)