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Fire Program Analysis

Welcome to the information site for the Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System.

Bureau of Indian Affairs logo
Bureau of Land Management logo
Fish and Wildlife Service logo
National Park Service logo
Forest Service logo
The National Assocation of State Foresters logo

Related Resources

Diurnal Coefficient Calculator to help FPUs develop diurnal coefficients to determine the correct fire behavior based on local expert knowledge for FPA's Initial Response Simulator

Revised Strategic Long Term Fuels Tool will help FPUs calculate acres treated for the Long Term Fuels Option. 3/3/2009

WUI Fuel Model Compositions by Geographic Area (GA)

Estimating Suppression Expenditures for Individual Large Wildland Fires
Krista M. Gebert, David E. Calkin, and Jonathan Yoder

Standard Fire Behavior Fuel Models: A Comprehensive Set for Use with Rothermel’s Surface Fire Spread Model
Joe H. Scott, Robert E. Burgan

Aids to Determining Fuel Models For Estimating Fire Behavior
Hal E. Anderson

SILVIS Lab - University of Wisconsin - Wildland Urban Interface - FPA Common Currency (Leaving FPA website)

National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)

The National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute

National Interagency Fire Center

Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center

National Conservation Training Center

Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS) Project

National Fire Plan