EOL News

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DateNews Item
03/03/2009 President Obama restores an endangered species act provision recognizing the importance of protecting biodiversity.
02/25/2009 EOL is a hit in Costa Rica!
Two of the nation's leading news outlets have run stories about the project and highlighted the Steering Committee meeting this week at INBio, the country's national biodiversity institute.

La Nacion: 'Enciclopedia de la vida' se alió al INBio para inventariar especies

El Financiero: Enciclopedia de la Vida se reúne en el InBio
02/17/2009 Oceanographer Sylvia Earle wins the TED Prize and wishes for protection of the oceans and marine species using all means necessary.
02/15/2009 You can now share your videos with EOL on Flickr!
We are excited to announce that we’re now indexing videos as well as images from Flickr. Videos uploaded to the EOL group in Flickr and tagged with a species name will now be featured in EOL species pages. Visit the Honeybee (Apis mellifera) page to see some recent video additions by Arthur Chapman and Valter Jacinto . Since the group began less than 6 months ago contributors have submitted over 13,000 photos and now over 200 videos which are shown in EOL species pages. Follow the instructions on our group homepage and learn how to submit and tag your photos and videos. We encourage everyone to check out the EOL Flickr group and start submitting photos and videos today!
02/12/2009 In our continuing celebration of Darwin200, explore the interactive Tree of Life.
02/12/2009 The EOL code is now officially open source!
All the code needed to build the website is now available and released under the MIT License. For more details, visit the Google Code or GitHub project home page for EOL (the project will also soon be listed on SourceForge).
02/11/2009 Happy Birthday Charles Darwin! darwin
Encyclopedia of Life joins the world in celebrating Darwin Day on February 12. Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the foundation of modern biology, explains and was inspired by the glorious diversity of organisms around the world. Some of the species Darwin wrote about include:
02/03/2009 Explore the oceans of the world in Google Earth 5.0!
01/15/2009 Aaron E. Hirsh discusses the importance of citizen science and how the EOL fits into this important trend.
01/09/2009 Check out the PlantingScience.org Summer Institute for High School Teachers.
01/05/2009 See what's new in the latest release of the EOL website.
01/04/2009 Ba humbug! Name of pacific snail attracts seasonal interest - more later.
12/24/2008 Watch a slideshow on how to contribute photos to the EOL Flickr group.
12/22/2008 The U.S. celebration of the Year of Science, organized by the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science, launches at the SICB conference in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on January 3-7, 2009.
12/16/2008 The 3rd edition of the EOL Newsletter was released - read up on the latest project developments.
12/01/2008 Watch footage of the first known video of a squid with elbows.
11/13/2008 Watch the CBS News Sunday Morning Segment on the EOL (originally aired on October 19, 2008).
11/12/2008 The Census of Marine Life announces many new species discoveries.
11/10/2008 Scientists in the remote Bale mountains of southern Ethiopia are in a race against time to save the world's rarest wolf.
10/27/2008 Thousands of jellyfish cause a nuclear reactor to shut down.
10/24/2008 Read the interview With E.O. Wilson, the Father of the Encyclopedia of Life, conducted by David Pogue for the CBS Sunday Morning show run on October 19, 2008.
10/23/2008 A bar-tailed godwit (genus Limosa) was recently observed to have flown 6,230 miles non-stop across the Pacific.
10/21/2008 Dr. Sylvia Earle, a member of the EOL Distinguished Advisory Board, will be awarded a 2009 TED Prize.
10/16/2008 Fossils provide more information on the "fishopod" that bridges the evolutionary gap between swimm
10/14/2008 EOL has released its plan for a Curator Network. We welcome your comments and suggestions in the forum.
10/13/2008 Scientists believe that a weed spreading throughout the UK could be brought under control by introducing plant-eating predators from Japan.
10/09/2008 Asia's dolphin population is "under threat", prompting conservationists to call for a protection area.
10/08/2008 MBL scientist Osamu Shimomura wins the nobel prize in Chemistry for his discovery of green fluorescent protein in jellyfish (Aequorea victoria).
10/07/2008 A team of scientists from Japan and the UK have filmed the deepest fish ever seen.
09/18/2008 First public annual report of achievements, highlights, and plans for the future.
