Memorial Trees


American Forests' Memorial Trees Campaign
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Memorial Trees
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This year, American Forests' Memorial Trees Campaign will plant thousands of trees - one tree for every victim of the September 11 attack on America - in memorial groves in New York City; Washington, DC; Virginia and Pennsylvania. And, in addition, American Forests will plant memorial trees in communities across the United States.

Since the monstrous attack on America, people have been searching for ways in which to channel their sorrow into something meaningful. Americans and people around the world have pitched in financially, and in many other ways, to help meet the immediate needs of individuals who were directly affected as a result of that tragedy.

Americans are caring, loving, generous people and they have proved it time and time again.

Now, American Forests is going to establish a lasting tribute - a living memorial - for these heroes and victims, and we need your help to do it.

In the words of Virginia Senator John Warner, "By planting a tree for every person who lost his or her life on September 11, American Forests will be creating a living memorial that will capture, with dignity and grace, the memory of those who died. At the same time, the tree groves will provide clean air and water, and wildlife habitats for generations to come."

And, Pennsylvania Congressman John P. Murtha writes, "I'm pleased to support the Memorial Tree Groves Campaign. I think it's a fitting tribute to those who lost their lives on September 11."

American Forests is now working with local organizations and agencies in New York City; Washington, DC; Pennsylvania and elsewhere to determine exact planting locations.

These trees will not only serve as living legacies to fallen Americans, but will provide environmental benefits for our children and their grandchildren.

I urge you to be a part of this campaign to establish a lasting tribute to those who lost their lives on September 11.

Chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, James L. Connaughton, writes, "These trees will serve as symbols of healing and hope, will provide places of comfort and solace, and will reaffirm our connection to nature."

Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or more helps . . .

  • Establish lasting, living memorials for victims of the September 11 attack on America.
  • Erase our national urban tree deficit.
  • Provides environmental benefits for our children and grandchildren.

That's a nice return for your money.

You've made a difference in your environment.

You've supported your country.

You've done your part to establish a special memorial for our fallen Americans.

We've had years of experience planting trees for America. Our first large-scale memorial tree planting was led by First Lady Florence Harding for the soldiers killed in World War I.

So, let's do this together for Americans everywhere, and for our environment.

Please . . . Help us plant trees for the Memorial Tree Groves campaign.

Thank you.


Deborah Gangloff
Executive Director

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