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Society Science


Soil Carbon Storage is Not Always Influenced by Tillage Practices - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Although moldboard plowing combined with mineral nitrogen fertilization can lead to decreased organic carbon stocks in the soil surface relative to no-till, this effect is cancelled when the whole profile is considered.

Ultra-fine Coatings on Sediment Grains Influence Nitrate and Sulfate Storage in Soil - Vadose Zone Journal
Vadose zone scientists examine how this thin, complex mineral layer on sediment grains can influence groundwater quality even years after fertilizer application.

Preventing Rangeland Erosion: Developing Better Management Practices in Iran - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
A new article in the Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education describes how workshops have improved the rangeland management techniques of Iranian pastoralists.

Understanding Phosphorus in Soils Is Vital to Proper Management - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Scientist identify the chemical forms of phosphorus with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Tracking Poultry Litter Phosphorus: Threat of Accumulation? - Journal of Environmental Quality
Two scientists examine the fate of phosphorus compounds in Delmarva Peninsula soils in the January-February issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Like Herding Cats: Collaborative Learning across Multiple Institutions - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
An immersion approach to blended learning can help students develop professional interactive skills as well as increase their subject matter knowledge.

Soil Maps Generate Reliable Quaternary Geologic Map - Soil Survey Horizons
Soil scientists integrate the powerful SSURGO database, GIS, and geologic attributes to expand its use to other disciplines.

Organic Soils Continue to Acidify Despite Reduction in Acidic Deposition - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Recent Research published in the January–February issue of Soil Science Society of America Journal shows that soil acidification poses a continuing threat to the health of forests in the northeastern United States.

Low Level Herbicide Use Can Damage Potato Reproduction - Journal of Environmental Quality
An Oregon study considers the impact of pesticides on plant development and reproduction in the November–December issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.


Describing Soils: Calibration Tool for Teaching Soil Rupture Resistance - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Learn about a new calibration tool to help students and soil scientists calibrate their thumb and forefinger for the correct amount of pressure.

Models Simulate Nitrate Dynamics in Garonne, Southwest France - Journal of Environmental Quality
European scientists successfully use two models to describe stream characteristics in the November-December issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Oil Spray Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Pig Finishing Barns - Journal of Environmental Quality
A recent study in Missouri reveals an effective way to lower air pollution from animal feeding operations.

Strange Travels - Vadose Zone Journal
A special section of Vadose Zone Journal follows the unusual journey of transport phenomena in fractured materials, with an eye on the potential movements of hazardous wastes.

3-D Laser Scanning: A New Soil Quality Measurement - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Researchers report in the Soil Science Society of America Journal that 3-D laser scanning can provide a more thorough analysis of a soil’s quality, helping to further understand how healthy crops are produced.

A Model to Measure Soil Health in the Era of Bioenergy - Soil Science Society of America Journal
A team of scientists report in SSSAJ that they developed a model to measure soil quality and the loss of organic matter due to increased use of crop residues.

Urban Trees Enhance Water Infiltration - Journal of Environmental Quality
A group of scientists investigate innovative ways to manage urban stormwater runoff in the November-December issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Where Have All the Students Gone? - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Why has the number of students studying soil science declined across the United States? Read about this trend in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Biosolids Microbes Pose Manageable Risk to Workers - Journal of Environmental Quality
A new study published in the November–December issue of Journal of Environmental Quality examines the health hazards of treated sewage sludge application to land.

Nitrous Oxide Emissions Respond Differently to No-Till Depending on the Soil Type - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Authors report that within the first 5 yr of adopting a no-tillage practice in a heavy clay soil, nitrous oxide emissions could offset the soil carbon dioxide sink.

Scientists Map Soils on an Extinct American Volcano - Soil Survey Horizons
Thousands of years after the lava cooled, soil scientists conduct sophisticated mapping of the resulting soil landscape.

Pesticide Concentrations Decreasing - Journal of Environmental Quality
A new USGS study, published in the Journal of Environmental Quality, shows encouraging results in evaluating groundwater contaminants.

Pickleweed Tolerates Irrigation with Seawater and High Levels of Boron - Journal of Environmental Quality
A native plant of the North American coasts has the potential to substantially reduce hyper-saline drainage water volumes for growers in California.

Nitrogen Applied - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Scientists investigate the effects of using nitrogen fertilizer on cover crops and the nutrient’s subsequent availability to the cash crop. They report their findings in the Sept/Oct issue of SSSAJ.

Meeting the Challenges of Teaching the New Agriculture - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
The many changes in the world of agriculture means challenges in how to teach it. Read more in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Nitrate Concentrations of Ground Water Increasing in Many Areas of the United States - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists report their findings from a nationwide, 16-year ground-water study in the September-October issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

U.S. Air Force Technology Helps Scientists Understand Plant Root Function - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Using neutron computed tomography techniques, scientist measure in-situ water content.

How Are Herbicides Discovered? - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
A web lesson shows how new

Biological Selenium Removal: The Solution to Pollution? - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists investigate biological treatment options for remediating selenium-contaminated areas in the September-October issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Getting to the Root of the Matter - Vadose Zone Journal
Vadose zone scientists use innovative technologies and models to examine the role of roots in global carbon cycling, remediation, and water dynamics.

Measuring Calcium in Serpentine Soils - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Combination of measurement techniques yields the most accurate results, researchers report in the Soil Science Society of America Journal.

A Simple Twist of Evolution - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
An interactive web lesson teaches students about fatty acids and how they play a role in how plants grow. Read more in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Bacterial Persistence in Streams - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists in Tennessee track a river’s total coliform and report their findings in the July-August issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Soil’s Carbon Storage Capacity Investigated - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Three studies demonstrate that C storage capacity of soils in different regions of the Western Hemisphere respond similarly to a diverse range of management practices to increase soil C input.

Teaching in a Disruptive Classroom - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Teaching students who are texting or talking can be a problem. Should the instructor speak directly to the students? Read more in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Dioxin Risk in Soil and Plant Tissues after Long-Term Biosolids Application - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists address dioxin concerns and report their findings in the July-August issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Improving Swine Waste Fertilizer - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Research in Soil Science Society of America Journal shows that changing the availability of phosphorous in swine diet leads to a slower accumulation of phosphorus in the soil.

Statistical Relationships Simplified - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Learn about a basic statistics flow chart that shows inter-relationships between commonly-used statistical terms. Read more in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Pesticides Persist in Ground Water - Journal of Environmental Quality
USGS scientists examine factors influencing pesticide detection in ground water in the May-June issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Goats Can Be Too Much of a Good Thing for Pastures - Soil Science Society of America Journal
It just takes a few repeat urinations by goats on the same spot of land to kill most of the vegetation and seriously pollute groundwater. Liming remedies the nitrogen “burn” to an extent, allowing the toxic soil to recover in a shorter time.

Positive Perceptions from a Young American Farmer - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
A student shares how he is compelled to return to the family farm after college. Read more in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Holistic Study Approach Expands Understanding of Agricultural Chemicals in the Environment - Journal of Environmental Quality
Introductory paper describes holistic study results from the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the May-June issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Sophisticated Soil Analysis for Improved Land Use - Vadose Zone Journal
Scientists investigate how soil variability can be quantified for applications in agriculture, engineering, hydrology, and environment

Biotechnology vs. Sustainability: What Do Students Think? - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Agricultural producers, industry, and the research community, as well as the general public, have shown much interest in both biotechnology and sustainability in recent years.

Fecal Microorganisms Inhabit Sandy Beaches of Florida - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists suggest that fecal bacteria survive better in sand than seawater in the May-June issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Finding the Real Potential of No-Till Farming for Sequestering Carbon - Soil Science Society of America Journal
No-tillage farming offers plenty of benefits regarding soil and environmental health, but depending on the soil depth and soil type, carbon sequestration might not be one of them.

The Sweet World of Soil Microbiology - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Educators use candy to teach the concepts of soil microbiology in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Herbicide-Tolerant Crops Can Improve Water Quality - Journal of Environmental Quality
A USDA study suggests that planting herbicide-tolerant crop varieties and using contact herbicides can reduce herbicide loss and concentrations in runoff.

Soil Science on D-Day - Soil Survey Horizons
Before the day that changed history, scientists were asked to make it possible. Their story is featured in the Spring issue of Soil Survey Horizons.

Food Biotechnology: Real World Challenges - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
How Do GMOs Impact the U.S. Food Industry? Find out in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Fueling Ethanol Production While Protecting Water Quality - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists evaluate the unintended consequences of ethanol production on water quality in the March-April issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Satellites Help Map Soil Carbon Flux - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Scientists Integrate Soil Science Data with Remote Sensing to Report Soil Carbon Flux Resulting from Land Management Changes.

Get Ready for a Learning Experience: Your Final Graduate School Year - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
What should happen during the last year of a graduate student’s Ph.D. program? Find out in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Global Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Rise Affects Invasive Plants - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists say two invasive species may be even more invasive in a high carbon diioxide world in the March-April Journal of Environmental Quality.

Is Your Drinking Water Safe? - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
When soil nitrate levels are high, drinking water quality can be contaminated. Read about the Lake Bloomington area in the 2008 issue of Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Management Practices Affect Soil Carbon Dioxide Emission and Carbon Storage - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists find that no-till crops reduce soil carbon dioxide emission in the January-February issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Tracking Sulfur and Nitrogen in Snow Provides Clues to Acidification - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Scientists investigate accumulated sulfate and nitrate in snow in New Hampshire and follow it after the snow melts.

Teach Students To Use Online Literature - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Students often don't know how to use online sources. Read about teaching this skill in the 2008 issue of Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education.

Tropical Soils Impede Landmine Detection - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Researchers evaluate the effects of soil magnetic minerals on the detection of landmines in the tropics

Detecting Synthetic Fertilizers: Is It Organic or Not? - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists use isotopic discrimination to determine if sweet pepper was produced organically, reporting their research in the January-February Journal of Environmental Quality.

The Value of Memoir Writing - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Instructors take advantage of the

Water Quality Impacts from Intensive Forest Practices - Journal of Environmental Quality
A recent study in eastern Texas finds little nutrient loss using best management practices.


Getting To Know a Catena: A Field Exercise for Introductory Soil - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
A hands-on laboratory activity broadens student exposure to soil profiles and soil-landscape relationships

Feedlots a Source of Atmospheric Ammonia - Journal of Environmental Quality
Researchers study the amounts of ammonia emitted from cattle feedlots into the air and the results of those emmisions in the November-December issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Hawaiian Case Study Challenges Students - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Instructors take advantage of the

Where Does Stored Nuclear Waste Go? - Vadose Zone Journal
Researchers uncover complex pathways for waste’s journey from the Hanford Site to the Columbia River

Manure Management Reduces Levels of Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Genes - Journal of Environmental Quality
Researchers investigate the role of animal waste in spreading antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in the November-December issue of Journal of Environmental Quality.

Weather and Water Conditions Reveal E. coli Concentrations at Indiana Beaches - Journal of Environmental Quality
Predictive model may offer advantages over traditional modeling of bacterial water quality.

Longer Lessons Make for a Better Short Game - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
A training exercise explores management factors affecting putting green speed

Online Students Get Dirty - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Learn hands-on lab skills with a soils class offered from Oregon State University. Read about it in the 2007 issue of Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education.

The Five W's of Corn Production - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Scientists in China have been attempting to answer corn producers concerns about precision agriculture, nitrogen fertilizer and their impacts on corn yield, grain quality, resource efficiency, profit, and contamination reduction

Climate Change Goes Underground - Vadose Zone Journal
Scientists are hoping early research showing groundwater impacts will help underground climate change surface as a full-fledged part of the global system

Change on the Range - Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Learning exercise gives insight to land managers and scientists on range management strategies during climatic changes

Wider Buffers Are Better - Journal of Environmental Quality
Riparian buffers—the vegetated border along streams and wetlands—may decrease the amount of nitrogen that enters water bodies and the width of these buffers may have a positive relation to a decrease in nitrogen levels

Can Hemp Help the Everglades? - Journal of Environmental Quality
Using sunn hemp as a cover crop can reduce the risk of groundwater contamination in Southern Florida

Alternative Farming Cleans Up Water - Journal of Environmental Quality
In light of growing concern over agricultural pollution, producers are looking for ways to improve their farming practices without sacrificing crop production

Plants Uptake Antibiotics - Journal of Environmental Quality
Large amounts of antibiotics fed to livestock are excreted and end up in animal manure, which is commonly applied to agricultural land to provide crop nutrients

Freshwater Supplies Threatened in Central Pacific - Vadose Zone Journal
Pacific island nations face most critical freshwater supply and sanitation problems in the world

Pointing a Finger At the Source of Fecal Bacteria - Journal of Environmental Quality
Scientists use 'toolbox' approach to pinpoint contamination sources in Nebraska watershed

Before Selling Carbon Credits, Read This - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Using a soil model may provide farmers and landowners who are looking to trade carbon credits with a way to measure the amount of carbon being stored

Color Analysis Rapidly Predicts Carbon Content of Soil - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Scientists report in the Soil Science Society of America Journal that soil color can be as accurate as the lab for carbon content

Researchers Develop Way to Calculate Speed of Bacterial Sex - Vadose Zone Journal
New equation measures the kinetics of bacterial genetics

How Much Nitrogen Is Too Much for Corn? - Soil Science Society of America Journal
Growers could cut back on fertilizer and reap economic and environmental benefits by using a rapid test recently discovered by scientists to accurately predict nitrogen levels