Call for Papers

Help shape the 2009 Annual Meeting Scientific Program by presenting your research to peers in your profession. Submit an abstract, and participate in the leading forum for agronomy, crop science, and soil science!

Your research about the latest developments in agronomy, crop science, and soil science promotes the exchange of ideas, and contributes to the global understanding of plant and environmental sciences.

The Abstract Submission site opens February 17, 2009
Abstract Submission and Editing deadline is May 5, 2009


Submission and Editing Deadline: Submit Online: 
Technical Research Abstract
Oral or poster abstract submission

May 5, 2009
11:59 p.m., EDT

February 17, 2009
Online Submission Opens


New for 2009

  • There will be no extended deadline for editing.
  • Presenters will submit their poster and oral abstracts to Division “Topical Sessions,” to help create paper sessions. Divisions will also have general sessions.
  • Abstract submission fees will be $25 for students and $45 for all others.