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Blog on Plone !


COREBlog2 is a fully featured blog product for Plone 2.1 or above. If you want to create a blog as part of a Plone website, or want to use Plone's many advanced features in your blog, this is for you.

[Download COREBlog2] [More about COREBlog2]

Tutorial Movie(QuickTime3.6Mbytpe, WindowsMedia6Mbytpe)


The original COREBlog is still being maintained. It offers the essential features needed in a blog tool, and does not require Plone. If you to create simple weblogs that load quickly in the browser and do not require a high-performance server then this is for you.

[Download COREBlog] [More about COREBlog]

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About COREBlog
COREBlog2 (for Plone users)
The current version of COREBlog2 (for Plone) is 0.982b (released 2007/4/13)
Download now!
To learn more about COREBlog visit the How Tos
Mailing list for COREBlog users
There is a mailinglist for COREBlog in English. Thanks, Klaus san :-).
COREBlog2 (for Plone users)
The current version of COREBlog2 (for Plone) is 0.982b (released 2007/4/13)
Download now!
Bugs/Feature Requests
If you have bug reports or feature requests, please add new ticket to trac for COREBlog2. Be sure to write your name and email address so I can contact to you :-).
COREBlog (for Zope users)
The current version of COREBlog (for Zope) is 1.2.5 (relaased 2006/04/03)
Download now!
To learn more about COREBlog visit the How Tos
Mailing list for COREBlog users
There is a mailinglist for COREBlog in English. Thanks, Klaus san :-).

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