National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts

NACD's mission is to serve conservation districts by providing national leadership and a unified voice for natural resource conservation.

Conservation Policy

NACD helps conservation districts use their collective voice to influence conservation policy in America. NACD’s member-driven Board of Directors decides conservation policy priorities to guide leaders and staff. These priorities are used to develop and review environmental and natural resource legislation and to secure adequate federal funding through legislation for natural resource conservation programs.

Some conservation funding comes through the annual discretionary spending, or appropriations, process. Other programs are funded through mandatory programs for such as the omnibus Agriculture legislation, also known as the Farm Bill.

NACD influences legislation largely through it grassroots Action Center, where the association’s members can directly communicate with their elected Members of Congress.

Finally, NACD helps to guide the decision making process as programs are administered, by providing testimony and input to Congress and to Federal agencies under the executive branch.

2009 NACD Legislative Program Priorities
NACD gathers input from member districts and states across the nation each year to identify priority issues of concern. The issues are then ranked according to NACD’s ability to lead policy efforts and represent the unique views of conservation districts across the nation. The priorities chart is approved by the Board of Directors and is reflective of this process. This chart outlines NACD's 2009 legislative program priorities and guides NACD's legislative efforts.