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Western Society of Soil Science

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The Western Society of Soil Science comprises the states and provinces of Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, American Samoa, Baja California, Baja California Sur, British Columbia, California, Chihuahua, Colima, Colorado, Durango, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Jalisco, Montana, Nayarit, Nevada, New Mexico, Northwest Territories, Oregon, Saskatchewan, Sinaloa, Sonora, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and Yukon Territory.
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2009 Joint Annual Meetings

Western Society of Crop Science
Western Society of Soil Science

June 22-24, Fort Collins, CO

National Center for Genetic Resource Preservation
National Center for Genetic Resource Preservation

The Western Society of Crop Science (WSCS) and Western Society of Soil Science (WSSS) will meet jointly from 22 to 24 June, 2009. The meeting will be held on the campus of Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. The program will be highlighted by a joint plenary session on Monday, followed by oral and poster sessions, and awards for the best student presentations. The Plenary Session “Soils and Crops in a Changing World” will feature four prominent experts in crops and soils.

Fort Collins is approximately 60 miles north of Denver, Colorado, in close proximity to many recreational attractions, including Rocky Mountain National Park. You can find out more information about Fort Collins at http://www.ci.fort-collins.co.us/ or http://visit.ftcollins.com/

Fort Collins, CO
Fort Collins, CO

First Call for Papers - Now Open

You are invited to present a paper or poster by submitting an abstracts on-line. Abstracts must be submitted by 15 May, 2009. There is a small fee of $45 for professionals and $25 for graduate students to submit an abstract. Note that there is also a separate registration fee. For more information, you can call Raj Khosla (WSSS) at 970-491-1920, or Mark Brick (WSCS) at 970-491-6551.
Submit an Abstract


A tour of the National Center for Genetic Resource Preservation will conducted on Wednesday morning, June 24. The National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, formerly known as The National Seed Storage Laboratory, expanded its mission to preserve more than just seeds and more than just plant genetic resources in 2002. NCGRP now carries the mission of preserving germplasm of all life forms that are important to US agriculture. *Note: The tour of the NCGRP is free, however you must sign up and if you are not a US citizen you will need a federally approved ID (Passport, Green Card). Space is limited, so sign up early.

Tentative Program

Monday June 22
7:00 am - 4:00 pm Registration
8:30 am - Noon Joint Plenary Session (WSCS and WSSS)
1:15 pm - 5:00 pm Oral Sessions

Tuesday June 23
8:15 am - 2:00 pm Oral Sessions
8:00 am - 2:00 pm Poster Sessions
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Separate Business Meetings
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Joint WSCS/WSSS Awards Ceremony
6:00 pm Joint WSCS/WSSS Barbeque

Wednesday June 24
9:00 am - Noon Tour - National Center for Genetic Resource Preservation


Registration is now open. Included with your registration are breaks on Monday and Tuesday, lunch on Monday (lunch on Tuesday is on your own), and the Tuesday evening barbeque (however, you will need to indicate, when registering, if you will be attending the barbeque). You may purchase additional barbeque tickets for guests. We have worked hard to keep costs down and are pleased to offer a low registration fee of $95 for members, $120 for non-members, $75 for graduate students, and additional barbeque tickets are $25. Registration fees will increase by $20 after May 22. You may also pay dues for the Western Society of Crop Science and Western Society of Soil Science with your registration. Dues support the branches and student competitions.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the University Best Western Inn located adjacent to the Colorado State University campus. Room rates are $75 single/double and can be reserved by calling 970-484-2948 before May 21, 2009. Please indicate that you are with the WSCS or WSSS to receive this rate. The rooms are limited and this is a special rate, so reserve your room early.


Contact WSCS President Mark Brick via email (Mark.Brickatcolostate.edu) or phone at 970-491-6551or WSSS President Raj Khosla via email (raj.khoslaatcolostate.edu) or phone at 970-491-1920.