[Image Graphic]: Fire Program Analysis logo

Fire Program Analysis

Welcome to the information site for the Fire Program Analysis (FPA) System.

Bureau of Indian Affairs logo
Bureau of Land Management logo
Fish and Wildlife Service logo
National Park Service logo
Forest Service logo
The National Assocation of State Foresters logo

Line Officer (Manager) Orientation Package

Overview Briefing Papers

FPA Talking Points

PowerPoint Presentation: Fire Program Analysis Overview 5/16/2008 (Used in spring Geographic Area Orientation Workshops)

Video: FPA System Flow - 6 minute high level video presentation
           (revised 3/4/2008) (WMV | 9,212 kb )

Support Information (Links on FPA website)

National Fire Planning Unit Map (12/31/2008)



Developing an Interagency, Landscape-scale Fire Planning Analysis and Budget Tool