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Contact Information

Northern Research Station
11 Campus Blvd., Suite 200
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 557-4017
(610) 557-4132 TTY/TDD

Spatial Data Services

Data Requests


Examples of Requests

  • FIA data can be used as a source of ‘ground truth’ to investigate the accuracy of a land classification map by intersecting plot locations with the map. An error matrix or ‘confusion matrix’ can be created which summarizes how frequently the classification agrees with the observed plot data.
  • FIA data can be used to identify areas of good or poor wildlife habitat. This is usually done by summarizing FIA tree data by size class and species to see if the structure required by a certain wildlife species exists in a given region.
  • Observations of standing dead trees and downed woody debris can be used as inputs to a model of forest fire fuels.


How to Submit a Request

The first step in submitting a request is to contact the appropriate Spatial Data Services Coordinator. We will discuss your project and determine the best way to provide the information required.

Once an agreement is worked out with the Coordinator, you will be required to sign a Confidentiality Certification. This document will define the terms and length of the agreement in writing. Only persons who have signed a Confidentiality Certification will have access to the data provided.

Requests will be fulfilled in the order they are received. The time required to complete the request will depend on the coordinator’s current work load and the complexity of the request. Please allow at least a six week window for the project to be completed.


Helping yourself to FIA Data (FIDO)

Forest Inventory Data Online (FIDO) is FIA's latest online tool for creating tables and maps through a web browser. You can run any standard report for an area of interest and survey year, or, if you are an advanced user, create completely customized reports based on whatever criteria you choose. You can also save your work to your hard drive to load and rerun your custom FIDO retrievals at a later time.

FIDO may provide all the data you need or it can be helpful for people to refine their ideas before making a data request. Try it out!


Last Modified: 02/10/2009

Browse Research Unit

Regional Contacts
Map of FIA regions.

  • Northern: Elizabeth LaPoint
    (603) 868-7675
  • Interior West: Ron Tymcio
    (801) 625-5554
  • Pacific Northwest:
    Dale Weyermann
    (503) 808-2042
  • Southern: Sam Lambert
    (865) 862-2097
  • National or more than one region: Elizabeth LaPoint
    (603) 868-7675