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Grant-Writing (Tallahassee 2009)

ASEH Annual Conference

Saturday February 28, 2009

Second Floor Classroom, Mary Brogan Museum, Tallahassee, 8:30-12:00

The speakers for this workshop will include Paul Hirt, Arizona State University; Jacqueline Corn, Professor Emeritus-Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Martin Melosi, University of Houston; and Linda Sargent Wood, Arizona State University

The workshop will include feedback for participants on specific proposals.  If you are interested in a particular grant and you want advice, please bring an RFP (Request for Proposal) with you, or a draft of your proposal, or a completed proposal that was not funded that you wish to revise and resubmit. You are also encouraged to bring your laptop. We have asked for a room with wireless Internet access.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact the workshop organizer, Paul Hirt, at