Defining the New American University: ASU President Michael Crow discusses the institution's ongoing development of the New American University and what this innovative model for higher education means for our community, region and world.
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News & Events

  • Army continues Flexible Display Center support

    The United States Army has awarded ASU $50 million over the next five years to continue research and development at ASU’s Flexible Display Center. 

  • Message from President Michael Crow

    ASU President Michael Crow is announcing a mandatory furlough program for all employees to help the university cope with the severe reduction in state funding.

  • Professor speaks out on sustainability

    Engineering professor Brad Allenby is helping lead a major international effort to broaden public awareness of sustainability and the technological and social evolution it is sparking.

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Give yourself priority

ASU's priority filing date for financial aid for the 2009-2010 academic year is March 1. Apply today.

ASU Budget Alert

ASU is facing potentially devastating cuts to the budget by the Arizona Legislature. Learn more about the impact of these potential cuts.