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Agriculture and University Extension News

Prairie Fare: Serve Convenience and Economy with Pasta  (2009-01-30)  In these challenging economic times, consumers are stretching their food dollars with pasta-based casseroles and soups more often.   FULL STORY

BeefTalk: Know Your Environment Because Cows Depend On It  (2009-01-29)  The challenges this winter have been many.   FULL STORY

Income Tax Filing Deadline Draws Near for Agricultural Producers  (2009-01-29)  Staying up to date on tax items will help producers prepare their returns accurately.   FULL STORY

NDSU Agricultural Outlook and Farm Bill Conferences Set  (2009-01-29)  Eight Agricultural Outlook conferences will be held throughout the state during February and March.   FULL STORY

You May Qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit  (2009-01-29)  If you worked full time or part time during 2008 and had a low to moderate income, you may qualify for certain tax credits.   FULL STORY

Duane Hauck, Director
NDSU Dept. 7000
315 Morrill Hall
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Tel. (701) 231-8944
Fax: (701) 231-8520


 North Dakota State University
 VP for Agriculture and University Extension
 ND Agricultural Experiment Station
 College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources
 College of Human Development and Education
 State Board of Agricultural Research and Education

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