Discover Agriculture
The University Farm at N.C. A&T State University provides an interactive farm experience for elementary students to explore the wonders of agricultural science. During the spring and fall months, the farm is used as an outdoor classroom in a hands-on and inquiry-based environment. Students are engaged in experiential, interdisciplinary activities that teach them how food they eat is produced and about the environmental consequences of agricultural practices on soil and water quality.

Travella Free, Extension Associate

Dole Feasibility Study |The University Farm | SAES Internal Control Guidelines | 2008 Gilmer L. and Clara Y. Dudley Small Farmer of the Year
 | Small Farmer of the Year Award Recipient VideosNC Financial Literacy Network  |  SARE/PDP Project

Solutions for North Carolina | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004

Dr. Ray McKinnie speaks at the 2005 North Carolina Cooperative Extension Conference:
 Streaming Video | Transcript

The Cooperative Extension Program is located in Coltrane Hall on campus. 336.334.7956.
The School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at NC A&T State University The College of Agriculture & Life Sciences at NC State University NC A&T State University Cooperative Extension Contacts