Last visited taxon Chenopodium album - White Goosefoot
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BioLib is an international encyclopedia of plants, fungi and animals.

Apart from taxonomic system you can visit our gallery, glossary, vernacular names dictionary, database of links and literature, systems of biotopes, discussion forum and several other functions related to biology.

It is a non-commercial educational project intended to be used both by experts and general public. Its content can be expanded by user contributions.

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2008-12-20 21:06:45

We redesigned the main page of BioLib. You'll find there an image of the day box and random tips on how to use BioLib more effectively, links to some important functions and - like before - brief statistics, news and history of changes.

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2008-12-20 21:05:27

We've changed many things in last months. Functions for importing taxonomic citations, lots of changes in functions for adding taxa, scientific, vernacular names and images. Users can help us confirm the identifications of images in gallery and even unregistered users can propose determination changes.

Lot of time was spent working on a tool that will allow users to translate user interface of BioLib into other languages. While the tool is nearly finished, we're looking for people who will help us to test it and to translate some of the texts.

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News archive >>

Image of the day

Number of records

Scientific names:855529
Vernacular names:232870
Terms in glossary:4734

Explore BioLib

Tips - How to determine or change determination of image

You can identify undetermined images in gallery, or propose determination change for the determined images. Use the form under "Add determination" link in the lower part of page with the image. You can determine both accepted and unconfirmed images. Gallery administrators will revise the determination and accept it. Author of image and author of the previous determination will receive system message about determination change.

Read more about Adding or changing image determinations

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Brief history of changes

Ondřej Zicha   2008-12-20 21:09:38
- main page redesigned, two years old "news" finally replaced with more recent one.
Ondřej Zicha   2008-03-05 23:00:33
- users can specify country for uploaded image. Country name will be displayed next to other locality data in site language. Furthermore it is now possible to limit images in gallery to certain country, for example show only photographs from Sri Lanka. Undetermined images can be also limited to selected country.
Ondřej Zicha   2008-01-26 11:17:28
- changes in function Author gallery. First page of author gallery displays recently added pictures (and link to browse pictures chronologically). Gallery folders are limited to relevant folders - only folders containing images or more than one subfolder are displayed. Photographers can decide which of their images exclude from their author gallery. Recommended author galleries are now listed in function Featured author galleries.

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